Dear Sect Members |
Posted by
- Sunday, February 29 2004, 11:37:15 (EST) from - - ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
Okay...listen up you little devils; We already agreed that goodness and kindness and the rest of those really wonderful things existed well before Christianity and belong to several People...that no one has an exclusive on them...we even have the word of Andy, an ornery priest, for it. He nicely explained what sets Christians apart that he calls a Eucharist and misspells it too...Yuckarist being far more which the Christian faithful gather together with their children, sing pretty songs and eat human flesh and drink human blood. But even more than this disgusting ritual it prides itself in, is what I find to be the real real core core...the thing that helps me understand why this religion is the bloodiest damn thing we've ever seen...helps me fathom how it can so thoroughally corrupt decent human beings, if it gets to them early enough... and that is the notion of agreeing to the murder by torture of a totally innocent and exemplary young Jew because it gets YOU unheard of goodies. This last part is the key if you want to make any sense at all of a half million starved children and all its other manifest and untold crimes..."for Jesus". It will help you immensely if you put aside the image of children singing Christmas carols...of sleigh bells...Santa Claus...pious frauds....Easter bonnets and bunnies and all the rest of the trappings that everyone from the Church to the Nazi Party used to distract people with. Let's see how focused we can remain.'s bad enough that this incredible gift, this unheard of thing that just happened to answer the deepest fears of some of the most pig-ignorant people who ever lived..people who hadn't much of anything on this earth to be grateful for...people who had no Nineveh on earth but a Jerusalem instead so naturally they got to thinking of living on clouds...on the bottom of mine shafts, ANYWHERE...anywhere at all except in THAT promised land...bad enough it comes to you through the execution of an Innocent...but it gets worse because you have to eat the guy and drink his blood to boot!!! That seems to be deliberately pushing insanity to new heights and then crowning it with infamy. If a Christian who believes this nonsense was magically transported back in time to Golgotha and was given the power of life and death over Jesus...laying there stretched out on that tree, stripped, whipped, humiliated, fucked, spat upon...but not complaining because his Father wanted him to go through it...(they had those kinds of fathers...about as kind as their god was to his child) and the Roman soldiers were poised, ready to drive the first nail into his bleeding hand...what would a Christian do? I don't mean what would a kind, a gentle, a compassionate PERSON do...or a Muslim or athiest or Assyrian...I mean a CHRISTIAN...and if you rush to say the Christian would of COURSE do the "Christian thing" and the "decent" thing and the "right" thing and the "Christmassy" thing and set Jesus free...then you haven't been listening...not just to me, but to the pope and his ornery priests. A Christian could NOT set Jesus free because there wouldn't ever be any Christians if he did. A Christian whisked back in Time like that would be THRILLED to see it was all true, first of all...that there was such a person and then he'd start thinking real fast that it really WAS possible...he really could cheat death and live forever eating and drinking clouds or whatever...and he'd know there's no way any of that is going to happen for him if Jesus lives. So...if those soldiers are lucky and get out of the way fast, this Christian of ours won't break their noses diving over their heads to get at Jesus yelling..."GIVE ME THE HAMMER....nail the sweet bastard cause I GOTTA LIVE FOREVER"!!! After that first "murder for the goods" why would they ever stop...when have they? It isn't that a Christian can't be kind and decent...anyone can. But a Christian or anyone else, won't get into Heaven and see the Big One just by being kind and decent...he NEEDS to have Jesus put to death...there's just no way round it. Christians aren't asked merely to believe in the words of Jews are told to mind Moses and Muslims to listen up to Muhammad...that isn't isn't enough because the Romans made Christianity...not the Jews. What you must do...ask you must participate symbolically in his murder and hang the instrument of death and torture around your and your children's necks from then on...well you can hardly participate in the actual murder since it's over with...but in eating and drinking him after, through which you get the Goods, you demonstrate your "oneness" with the killers, the Romans, in Holy ROMAN Church??? If you were going to be "one" with Christ, you'd go get yourself killed and eaten too...instead you take the benefits the Romans dish out that could only come as a result of the brutal murder of are ONE with them, not have become the butcher, not the lamb. If you are a vegetarian and you despise the idea of eating animal'd hardly be conviced by the argument that..."we killed it anyway, so where's the harm'? Who killed the animal or when isn't the point...that's bad enough...but you don't WANT TO EAT ANIMAL it hardly matters if it was slaughtered Kosher or is don't want any. Now...if we're talking about a murdered human...and you don't like human meat but don't mind animal'd still say, "no thank you, I don't care WHO killed him, or if he died a natural death watching TV, or he wanted me to...I DON'T EAT HUMAN MEAT. But...if you make an exception...if you want to taste human meat and drink the blood because the killers, the executioners, the Romans convince you you will receive an unheard of benefit by partaking...then you are assisting and approving of their crime, IN SPIRIT. The Law...without benefit of the EVILS of cannibalism and vampirism, recognizes it for a heinous crime and calls it "illegal"...certainly not "Holy"...I don't care WHAT benefit you believed came to you from eating human meat...tell it to the judge, if you dare. Only God will bless you for it. To accept stolen goods, or any goods at all that come into your possesson through illegal acts makes you a particpant, in spirit as well as in fact, in the eyes of the Law to a crime...which is why the Kid wants EVIL to reign supreme instead of "mere" and "inadequate" they can get away with it through the good offices of The Big One. If there was no market for stolen goods....none at all, there would be no stolen goods, at least not under those circumstances...for those ends. If there were no men willing to buy women there'd hardly be any point in sex prostitution. And without the followers of Christ being eager and grateful for his being slaughtered for "their benefit"...there would have been no need to kill him. And the fact that, "he's dead already and flying to Rome" where's the harm if you eat him and accept the goods that come only through his given as a justification for us to become participants in the crime, in the desire to share the spoils, benefit from the murder thereby encouraging the murderers to go kill OTHER INNOCENT 500,000 Assyrian children...tells you all you need to know about the "morals" of that kind of person...or his God and his Church. To be induced to commit beastly indecencies that are illegal in every sane society that ever existed, because of the GOODS you will receive is a good way to make knaves and killers and moral cripples...or Christians, call it what you will, Euch or Yuck...same revoltingly bloody thing. This, aside from the disgusting meal they make of him, is what makes a Christian: the willingness to take the goods NO MATTER how they come into your it Eternal Life or the greatest Petroleum Reserves this side of heaven. But there's a little more; All of Christianity's foilbles and crimes and disgusting rituals would be bad enough if they remained to be experienced by Christians alone...but there's this other little problem: Christianity is just Judaism which is also Islam...the two of them deriving from Judaism and all of them fit to be throttled. Back when there were all sorts of gods no one took his own any more seriously than any of the 500 others...everyone knew you just meant YOUR god when you said the word...not a UNIVERSAL god to be shoved down everyone's throat or up their arse. That sort of murderous intolerance was the major gift the Jews gave us. At the time Jews decided they were the "chosen" and the luckiest...but were damn fools instead...the rest of us had magnificent civilizations in which we tolerated all sorts of fact we gloried in them and borrowed from one another and shared our toys...that's why we created so much in BetNahrain for ALL of Humanity to enjoy, not just "our" people and the reason the Jews didn't have a pot to piss in over in sheepshitland. To the Jews...that Jew tribe over there was "tainted"...the other one on the other side of the volanic ash hill was "Evil"... these three others at the edge of the dustbowl were, "wicked"..."blasphemous" and "sacriligious"...which meant not only did they give themselves license to kill the children of all those other "wrong" people, for God, but they'd be godamned, and they would be too, if they'd take ANYTHING from them...not a spoon, not a design for a toilet, not soap...not a dish...NOTHING..because this one tribe was the ONE, the TRUE, the ONLY and the CHOSEN of God...who needed all that sinful shit that came from the wrong people, despised by the one true god? It was the Jews and then Christians who killed every man, woman and child and then the animals and set fire to the cities...not the people of BetNahrain who were even willing to take the enemy home to live among them and hopefully prosper and made room for their gods as well. This sort of righteous intolerance and disdain for "wrong" gods makes people narrow and stupid, vicious and irrational, but more than anything else it makes them murderously sure they have Good on their side and the others are all EVIL! And why Evil?...well because nothing those "wrong" people did was illegal...those other tribes broke no laws...they tresspassed nowhere...they worked hard, raised their families tended their flocks and tried to shave a little off their taxes here and there...the Law has no business with them...there is no problem, no excuse by which you can kill them..and so EVIL has to be invented and brought into has to be "discovered" in those other people...and it has to be crushed and smashed and driven out because Evil is the province of the Devil...and if you don't smash him anywhere you find him...he will come for YOU and your wee ones..the righteous and decent and godly you HAVE TO FIGHT EVIL anywhere you think you see it...when it usually just means "different"...and if you kill otherwise totally innocent and inoffensive people, and their children, because "you don't like their ways"...and you do it for centuries and a couple of millenia...and wash it down with copious amounts of human meat and will make you bloody strange and increasingly barbaric in time...and look at Christian nations...look at what two of the leading ones just did in Iraq...and once again, just like when Christians rounded up and cooked six million Jews only 60 years one did a damn thing so eager were they for more "Goods". The introduction of Evil is the means by which these "one-god" people give themselves license to BE evil...but in defense of their own peculiar fantasies...which in their eyes aren't just one of several fantasies in business, but the ONLY ONE allowed and allowable...hence all the murder and mayhem FOR is for HAS to be for God...because Evil is the creation of his followers who insist their beliefs must remain irrational to qualify as religious...while human laws are the creation of sane people trying to be more so and having to fight god every step of the way in order to advance ever so slightly. God doesn't like wise or decent people...he likes god-fearing people and so he is a horribly frightful thing for just that purpose. One of the reasons Kids and the rest of them get so upset is that they half don't believe this nonsense themselves. I REALLY believe what I think I believe and allowing myself to do so, extend the same right to others, as the Golden Assyrian Rule tells me to...and so it doesn't matter to me how "lonely" I get...or how many millons of people think the exact opposite, or who calls me what names. I happen to believe that to lay on the hot sand with my toesies in the warm copper green seawater...Jackie's palm trees waving overhead...a lovely lady with a wet T shirt smiling at me from over there, eyeing my coconuts, while I read Shakespeare...that I'm in all the heaven I ever want. I don't mind rotting away silently in the earth when I die, just so long as I LIVE when I'm alive...I like planet earth, I'll accept its embrace when the end comes. I have no idea where it came from or where it's going to...I just want to cherish it and keep it lovely and safe for my children and theirs and yours too. But that sort of enjoyment of the here and now is anathema to Kids and other Puritannical bastards...and they rule the earth and despoil it increasingly, murdering us all and raping our treasures behind the facade of a poor bloody Jesus. To them all of this is sinful because it distracts me from what REAL paradise is supposed to be and how you get to it, whether I will or no. You don't get to their paradise driving a red Bronco with no top along the white get to their heaven by being miserable for as long as you can bear life on earth...this vale of tears filled with temptations and evil and blah blah blah...and when you die, your reward for having skipped all those days at the beach or at the lakeside or up in the mountains or in bed or at Just what are you supposed to get for skipping heaven on earth and turning it into a charnel house instead? THEY don't even know, except for one thing...everything you EVER enjoyed on earth is going to be against the Law up there...and whatever is left is going to be done under HIS infernally eternal gaze...FOREVER! It's bad enough if it's would be even MORE disgusting to me to think there really WAS such a madman who wanted me to look at him forever...but the fact is that it's all a hoax...yet the very people who fall for it and push it are also the kind who couldn't go to that beach in real life without polluting it or spreading their garbage all over the sand..the kind of people who can't find joy and abandon and release on earth and still act responsibly. When Death comes...take me, I'm ready to go for I have truly lived and I don't want to be selfish about it and insist it go on FOREVER...let someone else have a shot at it..."good-bye". Not Christians...for all their belief in a rosy eternity they seem mighty hesitant to get there but pleased enough to send you on ahead...the less you believe it the more determined are they to push you into line in front of them. These one-god people who have staked their entire miserable existence, by which I mean the misery they cause others...I have no doubt they enjoy doing it...on the slender hope that they'll get rewarded for it and immensely and immeasurably too, when they die...are so damn uncertain themselves of the "truth" of this that they have to beat any doubts and mirth out of me because one person laughing at them destroys their entire fantasy. But, as they almost have no choice since they CAN'T enjoy the earth and its simple pleasures and pains...they're stuck believing something they don't really believe, which is why they're so damn testy, constantly remiding us all that it REALLY is true, "DAMN YOU!" and hating to hear anything to the contrary. You'd think if they really had this inside track to Paradise they'd be at peace and relieved and serene...feeling only sorrow for the rest of us fools instead of yelling at us and cursing us and damning us and then wanting to silence us any way they can....whereas I would never do such a thing and never have...I believe what I believe and I can let others believe what they want to believe so long as their beliefs don't entail coming to lynch me because I won't sign up...which, as we all know, Christianity does with a vengence. I believe what is believable, not fantastic and utterly matter how difficult it gets sometimes to believe in the ultimate good in Humanity...but...Kids and Christians have a very tenuous hold on their beliefs, as you can see they can't talk for five minutes without turning blue and running for the laughter and poking fun and refusing to buy their nonsense, makes them doubt it...they HAVE to...because they've presented it as the ONE and ONLY and OBVIOUS how can I escape a thunderbolt from that old bastard for thumbing my nose at him? For their truth to be true I HAVE TO BE KILLED or made to suffer or at least be called names, Nyah Nyah and fatty fat fat too. And that's why they wish so many of us dead and have done it too throughout the ages...because our doubt explodes their own and makes it grow alarmngly till it threatens to capsize their already looneytunes dingy...makes "doubt" grow and mount and overwhelm them...which is why they went to every beach in the world where people were making love and surfing nude and sleeping by fires at night and sharing the men and women and all raising the babies and told them to CUT IT OUT...because they have always been shakey in their beliefs and never certain they wouldn't rip their own clothes off and jump on a native...which to them would be EVIL and nasty and would be too cause they'd be sure to do it in an ugly way...but to the Natives is just fun...when you do it native-style. I have to go lie down...these people give me the fan todds. --------------------- |
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