From Zinda with Love - LET’S SET THE REC |
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- Tuesday, November 11 2003, 11:46:31 (EST) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
LET’S SET THE RECORDS STRAIGHT! I would like to respond to the article published in your issue # 35, titled “Please Show Some Action And Spare Me The Talk”, to provide the readers with facts and accurate information. In the above mentioned article, many attacks and insults were directed at Bet-Nahrain Democratic Party (BNDP), Bet-Nahrain Organization and AssyriaSat staff members. I would like to first address the question raised in that article as to what has BNDP done for the Assyrian nation since its establishment 30 years ago? BNDP was the first Assyrian Political Party in Iraq and has always kept its faith in the Assyrian nation and it has been the most supported and well respected Assyrian Political Party. BNDP has never compromised anything in regards to our Assyrian identity, name, language and culture. As the famous author, Rabbi Babajan Ashouri said once, quote “There isn’t enough oil in Iraq to buy off the BNDP members.” Unlike some other Political Parties, i.e. ADM, currently known as ChaldoAssyrian Party (CAP) which has followed the Ostrich Policy, hiding their head in sand and refusing to look up to realize and acknowledge other Assyrian Political Parties in Iraq. CAP must stop undermining the legitimacy of other Parties and stop living in its drunken stupor caused by its own self centered superior attitude and give credit to hundreds of nationalist men and women who have spent their lives working toward the Assyrian Cause. As it is so evident now, CAP’s short sightedness has led them to give up on the Assyrian nation and compromise our glorious name and rights as the indigenous people of Iraq. They have served our enemies and allowed them to name the Northern Iraq “Kurdistan.” My question to CAP is besides selling the name of our nation, the name of our lands, the name of our language and culture, what else is left that you have done? Their answer usually is “we built schools”. One can’t help but reach the conclusion that CAP has abandoned its political purpose and became the Educational Administration for the Assyrians. Not even that statement holds true, because if you refer to KDP websites and search under Education, you will notice that all the “Assyrian” schools in Northern Iraq were established by the Regional Government of KDP! Some argue that CAP had to submit to Kurds due to being in the Kurdish controlled territory. Question is what is stopping them in today’s free Iraq? What keeps them from opposing the Kurds now? Every news, every declaration coming from Iraq Governing Council proves the lack of proper Assyrian representation which leads us to believe that CAP is still fighting for “Kurdistan.” In a recent Declaration issued by “Kurdistani” Parties, ADM’s name topped the list. The Declaration asked for the “Kurdistani People” their full political rights in Northern Iraq. Nothing was mentioned regarding the Assyrians rights. BNDP also had the option to join the Kurdistani Parties, but as I have mentioned before BNDP has always kept its faith in the Assyrian nation and maintained its loyalty to the Assyrian Cause. BNDP had joined the armed struggle against the Central Government of Iraq before ADM was born! BNDP was a member of the Iraqi National Front under the leadership of General Mustafa Naghib along with some other Arab and Kurdish Parties, all under the leadership of Iraqi National Front. BNDP lost a few of its fighters in that armed struggle. If you like proof of that statement please refer to Bet-Nahrain Magazines (1994 & 1995) issues. The pictures of those beloved martyrs are often shown on AssyriaSat. The ChaldoAssyrian author of the article I am responding to had asked “What BNDP fighters?” Please see the below pictures of some of BNDP fighters. These too are the sons of your nation. CAP must stop glorifying only its own fighters and martyrs. That author has also undermined and questioned the truthfulness of the events of September 1996, when Iraqi troops invaded Arbil and Mr. Kanna and ADM fighters abandoned their main centers in the city of Arbil and he fled to Syria. Yes, it was the BNDP fighters who protected the ADM centers, their properties and some of the remaining ADM members. BNDP fighters in Ankawa were surrounded by Iraqi tanks and the stand off lasted 4-5 hours before the Iraq tanks pulled back. All you have to do is a little research and ask your CAP’s Information Bureau or better yet ask your ChaldoAssyrian leader, Mr. Kanna to confirm. The Kurdish newspapers also reported this stand off in their newspapers at the time. In regards to the ChaldoAssyrian Conference which took place in Baghdad this past October, eye witness reports indicate that only 350 people attended the opening ceremony. Out of the 350 people, only 45 delegates participated in deliberations. Some Prelates of the Church were present in the opening ceremony, but that does not mean they agreed with the ChaldoAssyrian Party and its conspiracy. CAP had been planning this conspiracy for some time. The Assyrian Students and Youth Union of Iraq who are against the combined name were refused to enter the conference by Mr. Kanna’s nephew who blocked their entrance with the assistance of a few armed guards! The author claims that 160 (1000) delegates participated in the conference, but only provides the name of 54 delegates which include the 12 Prelates Dignitaries who did not participate in the conference deliberations. Where are the other 106 delegates? Assyrians who lived under the rule of Saddam totally boycotted the conference. The remaining delegates (42) were from Diaspora and Northern Iraq. The CAP has always manipulated people’s emotions by mentioning its humanitarian achievements. A political party can not interfere in humanitarian or religious activities. Thousands of Dollars were collected from Assyrians around the world so CAP could compromise their National name in their own homeland! Over the past 12 years Bet-Nahrain Organization donated more than $350,000 to the humanitarian needs of our people in the Middle East. You may ask the Prelates of the Church of the East how some of the money was sent to Assyrians who had fled Iraq into Iran. In addition, donations were sent to Assyrians who fled Iraq and Iran into Pakistan, Jordon and Greece. But, here again, you have followed the Ostrich Policy, refusing to look up and around you and to see the other Political Parties achievements in the past years. It was BNDP’s idea to develop the Assyrian National Congress in 1983, when Zowaa was only 4 years old and Mr. Younadam Kanna was its Chairman of Foreign Relations Committee while he was living in Iran. Our purpose was to write a Constitution for the Assyrian National Congress, but unfortunately all Zowaa wanted was to dominate all the other Political Parties in attendance. This is nothing new; Zowaa has always demanded to be recognized as the superior to the other Political Parties. This has been an old habit of Mr. Kanna same as Saddam Hussein to attack all who are close to him, to weaken their resolve so that he can govern over them. History shows that BNDP is the only Assyrian Political Party that has resisted Zowaa’s inappropriate aggressiveness. BNDP members in Diaspora used their Media to bring National Awareness among Assyrians worldwide. BNDP was the only Party which publicly opposed Saddam’s brutal regime and has always participated in anti-Saddam meetings and activities. Therefore it was the only Assyrian Political Party that Saddam Hussein worried about. That is why out of all the other Assyrian Political leaders he ordered the Assassination of Dr. Sargon Dadesho. Last April, Dr. Dadesho was awarded 2.4 Million Dollars from the Iraqi frozen assets in U.S.A. Do you understand this? It was BNDP who maintained its firm stand and opposed the Kurdish Parliament’s decision to use the term of “ChaldoAssyrian” in its proposed constitution for Iraq. At a meeting in the town of Kousenjek BNDP’s delegate was the only Assyrian delegate who stood up and confronted the Kurdish officials who were referring to Assyrians as “ChaldoAssyrians” in their Constitution. If any inquiring minds are curious as to what the reaction of ADM’s delegate in that meeting was, well there was none. The ADM’s delegate had no response what so ever much less an opposition. It is evident that the few remaining ADM (CAP) members and supporters, including those so called Authors/Politicians/Historians have lost their credibility and integrity by failing to report accurately. Therefore, we are offering this response to set the records straight. BNDP has proved over and over again in its 30 years history that it does not believe in changing objectives and positions. In the article that I am responding to many attacks were directed at AssyriaSat. We have one very simple policy in AssyriaSat which is “tell the truth”. Apparently the ChaldoAssyrian Party’s definition of truth is insult! AssyriaSat’s mission is to empower the Assyrian nation with knowledge, because through knowledge comes power. It is our national duty to inform our people, unlike some, we do not believe in the Ostrich Policy! Another misleading statement was made that Mr. Kanna was chosen by the American Government. This is simply not true. The American Government had nothing to do with Mr. Kanna’s membership in the Iraqi Governing Council. If you get past your inflated egos you will admit that it was indeed the G8 Committee who gave Mr. Kanna the authorization letter which got him to where he is now. Sadly, once again he was able to trick his friends. After all, where are his friends, the three founders of the original Zowaa today? They too were tricked by Mr. Kanna’s slick character and did not predict how he would betray them and their national aspirations. History keeps repeating itself, indeed. We, the AssyriaSat members are saddened to have lost one of our old fathers who used to be “on pins and needles to get to Modesto area so he could watch AssyriaSat” as his son, the author puts it. The reality is that we have thousands of elderly fathers and mothers that faithfully watch AssyriaSat and call us often just to tell us that we are in their prayers. We hope someday we can gain that one father back as a viewer (that is IF he is not influenced by his son!) KBSV AssyriaVision was founded on April 19, 1996. For the past 6 years we have never made negative comments regarding Mr. Kanna or his party. In the past few months we at AssyriaSat have been reporting information based on reports from News Agencies in Iraq and International Media, also information made available to us by some Assyrian and non-Assyrian scholars from within Iraq and Diaspora. We work diligently to separate facts from fictions, where Mr. Kanna has been doing nothing but misleading our people and insulting his opponents by calling them “sakhleh and shneezeh.” It’s funny how the ChaldoAssyrian author has took upon himself to judge AssyriaSat in his article, yet he has always claimed that he is not a regular viewer and he watches our programs only when he is visiting friends and relatives in Modesto area (note: author lives in San Jose). So, I think it is safe to assume that the author watches 10% of the AssyriaSat programs and he does not realize that the other 90% of the time when he is not watching, we are criticizing the Kurds and other external enemies. When was the last time that Zowaa criticized the Kurds and their invasion of our villages? Just a short while ago a few Assyrians were killed in Shaqlawa. Local Assyrians who were infuriated by those murders were organizing some demonstrations to show their outrage, but their attempts were curtailed by Mr. Kanna. He was not about to let his nation make him look less than adequate in front of his Kurdish Masters! One other ridiculous accusation made regarding Bet-Nahrain Organization and AssyriaSat was to imply that these are “paper only” organizations! One must ask the author the following questions: · Why was his father so eager to get to Modesto area to watch the AssyriaSat on paper!? · Why did you wait 30 years to criticize Bet-Nahrain? · If your statements are true then why has Zinda Magazine praised Dr. Sargon Dadesho in its Bravo section of issue # 40 date: 13 January 2003 ? · Why did Zinda Magazine call Dr. Dadesho as one of the experts in Assyrian affairs in their issue # 12 date: 28 April 2003 ? · If your accusations regarding Dr. Dadesho are accurate then why was he selected as the “Man of the Year” and received the well respected Naoum Fayeq Award by our Assyrian brothers from the Assyrian Sweedish Federation which has many Assyrian and Suryoyo Organizations as affiliates? The author has also accused the Bet-Nahrain and AssyriaSat of invading the Internet, mainly the Assyrian Forums. Are we the only people criticizing CAP? Are you blind to other people’s criticisms? The Assyrian Society is not limited to the participants of one or two forums and the readers of a couple of on-line magazines. The title “traitor” is given to you by the majority of Assyrian nation, not just us! It is a self-earned title by ChaldoAssyrian Party. It’s neither professional nor ethical for an author to twist the truth, especially one who in the past was known as the staunch believer in the Assyrian name. How could one claim to be a politician but can not understand that if your nation’s name is changed in the Iraqi Constitution (in your own homeland), you will never be able to preserve that name in Diaspora? What kind of a politician are you when you can’t tell the difference between Assyrian-Chaldean religious names meant to unify our Churches and the ChaldoAssyrian name which is intended to compromise and destroy our historical name? I sincerely hope that our respectful religious leaders will respond to your misleading statement, blaming them to have taken initiative to change this nation’s name. It is interesting how you have mentioned the fence in your article, as we all can see you have crushed the fence and the gates too by exposing our innocent people to Kurds. Your solid plan was to sell our nation; do you expect us to have a solid plan similar to yours? BNDP, Bet-Nahrain Organization and AssyriaSat will not adopt a passive attitude regarding the events that concern our beloved nation. It is not logical to expect a nation to sacrifice its glorious 7000 years old name, history, language and culture only to ensure the safety of a Christian representative in Iraq. It is not logical to stop and sabotage our nation’s resolve to demand its rightful recognition in the Iraqi Constitution only so your leader Mr. Kanna can maintain his favorable status with his Kurdish masters. After all, a Constitution is not an article in a newspaper or a magazine that can be rewritten often. You had quoted Dr. Dadesho from his priceless book “The Assyrian National Question”, by mentioning his words “unity of our nation”. Dr. Dadesho did not mean a union of traitors by those words. He has referred to the unity of our nation. Apparently the contrary has occurred. You have joined the unity of traitors because you have supported the combined name. I would like to inform you and your so-called Rabbi Kanna (the traitor) who keep asking us to go back to Iraq, we ARE in Iraq. There are thousands of us who are and have always been in Iraq and they share our opinions of you and the ChadoAssyrian Party. Also, let’s not forget that BNDP and AssyriaSat are already in Iraq for those who have eyes to see and have ears to hear. As you are well aware by now, Assyrian delegates from Iraq and Diaspora are preparing to develop a preparatory committee to hold an Assyrian Congress in the near future in Baghdad. This is not about just a few individuals opinions. This is about a nation rising above its barriers to rid itself of a few traitors and demand its rights in its ancestral country. They have enough courage to demand their rightful recognition as the indigenous people of Iraq in the Iraqi Constitution, and secure national, cultural, and educational rights of the Assyrian people in the Assyrian Triangle in Iraq. Something we have given up expecting our so called “Christian” representative to accomplish and unanimously reject this “CAP” he has sewed for our nation. The Assyrian Congress will be the turning point in the Assyrian history, that’s when the ChaldoAssyrian Party and its few supporters will BE history! Soon the entire Assyrian nation will say this historical verse in a unified voice: “Can’t you see the writing on the wall that you are finished?” I will be more than happy to receive a logical response from you. So far I have not seen any logic in your numerous articles. Shamiram Daniali Vice President of Bet-Nahrain Organization California --------------------- -- Jeff |
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