Re: HERE you are... |
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- Saturday, December 13 2003, 18:29:17 (EST) from *** - *** ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
Andy Younan wrote: >Farid, > >>***We of BetNahrain had lots of gods...but we never said ours was the only one, or the only ten. There were other temples, there were other priests, there were other holy days and rituals. It was your Jews and their offspring the Christians who began this one and only bullshit and took to killing people...children too, who wouldn{t confrom..,.as they still are. > >There are plenty of bad reasons to kill people...religion and the state and all the rest. But they're bad reasons because they're abused. Christ said explicitly not to bother with people if they've heard the Gospel and rejected it... "leave that town and shake the dust off your feet." That is, LET IT GO. Christians who have killed people for not accepting the faith have EXPLICITLY acted against Christianity itself. If they were MORE Christian, no one would have died for believing otherwise. +++How dare you come quoting this treacle from a Jew carpenter you have the effrontery to call a god and the only god on an Assyrian forum? Who do you think house-broke those Hebrews you can't get enough of? Just how ignorant do you have to be before you make yourself sick too? Muhammad said the same thing...did his followers listen? What Gospel...what the hell are you talking about? Christ wrote no gospel you ninny...had no idea that there ever was going to be one...written by Jews and refined by Elizabethans. Who do you think you're talking to...someone who's ripe for a little bit more of a lobotomy? What gospel??? > >>***That创s twaddle to begin with. You have no evidence at all that god loves you or gives a shit about you or knows of you. That创s more Jew-shit to explain away their miserable condition in the world back then. Naturally thery decided that being kicked from BetNahrain to Thebes to Perisa was an indication of God创s Love...that创s where you got this "god loves me" crap. > >Not the question. How does this cause immorality? +++Quit the jesuitical know the questions...they don't have to be numbered for you follow along...or do they? You want maybe a bouncing ball to follow? It is immoral to receive gifts that derive from murder...not love...murder. You could have loved Christ without the murder...only you can't. You need his murder...and being steeped in murder and worshipping murder and celebrating murder for 2000 years has brough us right to here...500,000 children murdered because there was another fantastic benefit to be had. This isn't accidental...neither was the murder of six million Jews and others by Christians. You can wring your hands all you want to and say they were "wrong"...well if that's true...if a police academy turned out as many killers as your Sunday Schools do they'd be shut down in an instant...yet you guys can get away with child-fucking time and again without ever being made to take a good look at yourselves to see if you're preparing child-fuckers. Awhile ago a young Jewish woman went to Palestine to help protect Palestinians against the United States agents...the Israelis. She put her body on the line and was killed...crushed and buried alive. She was a Jew so she doesn't buy your idiotic brand of "perfect love". She doesn't believe Jesus died for her and in him or around him or through him will be her passport to paradise. She knew what was right to do and she did it. She did NOT sacrifice her life she LIVED its fullest. How come she had it in her without the example of a murdered Jesus in front of her? Had she not been murdered she would have been as heroic, as insightful as she was before being killed by agents of the United States. If you had your way though, she'd be exhumed and show just how much you LOVE her. But she's a Jew for one thing...and was never inspired by what good is she? > >>***Nazis were Christians too...very devout...though "wrong" in your eyes. > >Seems to me Hitler rejected Jew-based Christianity in favor of an "authentic national religion." Sounds familiar. +++It may seem that way to you because you're trained to dodge and weave. It may also seem that he was a Catholic, very like yourself, who could have kanted all the kant you're kanting. But, of course, he got it "wrong" too. You may want to dodge your pope at the time who agreed to the slaughter...try to wash him clean in the Rev Moon's press now all you want to now. The Holocaust was brought to us by Christians...not Hottentots...not Muslims...not Assyrians, but by Christians. You seem to wash your hands clean with the best of the Romans. > >>built for the first time only a few hundred years ago - just when things started getting REALLY violent. >> >>***They创ve become really violent now because you创ve been at work assiduously for centuries feeding people blood and gore and telling them it创s the way to paradise. The Holocaust was a direct result of the teachings AND practise of the chiurch. > >Here's the main point again. As long as you're out asking Christians whether their faith is a positive influence in their lives, ask Catholics what they believe about the Eucharist. "When you take Communion, do you become united to the Victim or to the killers? Do you become close to Jesus or close to the Romans?" +++That's the Romans of course. Look around you damn it! That you and they have figured out a way over a few thousand years to confound yourselves and burn those of us you can't fool...what do you expect they'd say? +++The Romans killed nowhere the millions the Christians went on to kill. What kind of an education have you been not getting? > >>***Think of heaven as a lifeboat from a sinking ship...you创d push anyone out of the way to get in there first...that创s what you创re doing on earth...participating in and accxepting anything that will win you paradise..and you want to be loved for THAT as well. > >Except that "the Way" to that Paradise is exactly to die in order for others to live. Good analogy, by the way. ++++There you go with death again. You fear life like all your tribe...afraid your cocks will come crashing out your pants and lead you running and tripping over your own balls down Main Street unless you gather together in knots and mumble. > >Your tv pal, +++take a MORTAL KRISTIAN > >Andy --------------------- |
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