Re: okay...have at you |
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- Saturday, December 13 2003, 13:34:10 (EST) from *** - *** ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
Andy Younan wrote: >Farid, > >>***I understand all that. A cannibal is as good at explaining his beliefs too. What I want to know is if you suspect there创s some reason why it创s necessary to trun things into flesh and blood and then eat them. Can创t your Jesus be seen and felt in a flower? Or would you guys then go rip up flower beds and eat those too? > >Good question. It isn't about just seeing and feeling. It's about living in Christ, and the best way, it seems - the humblest way - for Christ, God made man, to make himself accessible to the world is through the Eucharist. +++Give your cannibal feast a fancy name if you want to...I suppose the cannibal calls his feast a Rolls Royce. Doesn't change anything significant...but when did you guys deal in things of actual heart you're eating human gore and calling it "love"...not only that but the BEST KIND...and you wonder why so much real blood and gore is dumped at your doorstep...dress it up any way you like and ladle on the bullshit and call that "sauce" too if it helps it go down...but feed it to kids??? Shame on you. > >>***Cannibals feel as you do. They too consume the felsh and organs and dripping blood of people who创s virtures they would aspire to...they too believe a man创s soul in his guts and chow down in order to "improve" the world and themselves...they too believe "he lives in me and I in him and the next guy who创ll eat me" You don创t see anything odd bout this, neither does the Cannibal priest. > >I'll admit it's odd, but we're talking about whether it's immoral - or leads to immorality. I eat the flesh and blood of God made man; +++If that doesn't bother you and makes you feel all holy...why not eat the flesh of a man and call it "meatloaf", or make a "Stroganof" out of it...where's the difference? So you like to eat only the best cuts...the god-meat. Sickening any way you cut it...excuse the pun. in that act, I unite my will to his as he chose to die on the Cross. +++He didn't choose jackshit. That's your twadle in order to dominate children and weak-headed adults. He CHOSE to speak out. If the consequence had been a chocolate milkshake you'd hardly be here now arguing that milkshakes are the best way to show love. It's the killing part that turns you people on...that and eating the any barbarian...which is what people have been and are behaving like under this bloody tutelege they receive from you. The whole idea (at least according to the Bible, but you might know better) is this: Christ is in heaven, and got there through the love he showed in dying for the world; if I want to get to heaven, I have to live like him and in him - and one way to live in him is through the Eucharist. What do you think all of that "the Church is the body of Christ" stuff is about? +++I think it's how you rationalize murder. Eating the gore and calling it love is another way to desentisize people. Once you've convinced people that those others aren't worthy of your message, then who really cares what happens to them. And don't give me nonsense from your Public Relations arm either. If you think you're right in believing Yahwe was the only god...then how do you explain all those people living in error? Obviously the world would be a better place without them...ya ya, I know. +++Christ isn't in heaven...and you're not Napoleon. Jesus died and rotted away like the rest of us are going to...but I can see the atraction in believing otherwise. Why NOT be Napoleon if all it takes is losing your mind? > >> That makes all the difference in the world. If he were only a man, then you'd be absolutely right - the Mass would be a horrible ritual recalling murder and celebrating cannibalism. >> >>***But he was MADE into flesh...remember? Where{s the pain and agony factor for you to weep all over if he was a god? How do you pierce the flesh of a god? He was turned into a man for the occasion of his murder...just to make sure he创d FEEL YOUR PAIN. > >No no no. God was "turned into a man" so that we could know him more perfectly, and so that he could show us visibly "the Way" to heaven, which he is. +++Jesus they got you by your short hairs. You say the most outlandish and atrocious things without a blush but have the nerve to condemn women who seek abortions for real and practical reasons...while you gyrate on a cloud somewhere. What the fuck are you talking about..."so we could know him more perfectly"? The world look a lot saner and kinder to you since they killed and ate Jesus? Do you NEVER have to make any sense? Thousands of people die...millions were killed by your church and still are. Are you showing them the "way to heaven" too? Am I supposed to feel placated because now those 500,000 Iraqi children are in heaven? Or are they? Where are Majdolin's babies...and DON'T you dare say you pray for them every night...not the same sons of bitches that blessed the bombs, planes and pilots who dropped murder from 10,000 feet on women and children. > >>***Would you have refused to accxept the gift that came from murder? Would you have said..."can you get me a box of chocolates or Paradise some other way? In other words...have you moral compass at all where you创re personal benefit is at stake? Would you pass up eternity to do the right thing...would you refuse the gift of heaven at such a price? > >Again, it isn't the murder that buys anything; it's the love of Christ and his choice to follow it through to the end. +++None of that could have happened without the murder. Without that you'd all be standing around with each other's dicks in hand waiting for someone to get murdered "for you" so you could feel "love". You apparently couldn't love Christ enough without his having to get murdered in the first place...the simple wisdom of his message is completely lost on savages who need a human sacrifice to feel "love". The murder comes first, AFTER that your juices begin to flow. Where would you all would you control one fifth of all the real estate in New York City or have assests unmeasurable if Jesus had died in bed peacefully, surrounded by LOVING friends and family, like Muhammad...instead by of executioners and sadists...with his "devoted" followers ready to eat him? > >>***You创re the one not paying attention. It doesn创t matter WHAT filth is committed in it创s long as you benefit. That创s what your church teaches you. Name one atrocity that was put down by reference to this church of yours..and then tewll me one atrocity it didn创t commit. > >What institution ANYWHERE hasn't committed every atrocity imaginable? Is the Church an exception? Oh, I forgot, "It's the worst thing EVER...and I know because I've read all about it in my books." +++Yes, you are the worst thing ever because you have the unmittigated gall to hide your crimnes behind god...not only that but the ONLY god and on top of that you add shit to poison and call him a god of LOVE...and you have no qualms at all about stuffing this crap down the throats of innocent children...another LOVE sacrifice. NO ONE has as much unbridled cynnicism and malicious intent, certainly no institution, as your church one. > >>>Not what the Church believes...we're still talking about the Christian faith, right? >> >>***Yes...but more about how an otherwise decent person could not only become so corrupted by Jew nonsense, but stroke himself all over cause now he创s gonna spread more of this manure? We创re talkjing about what创s left of your soul and trying to save it before you piss it all away. > >You're not going to "save" anyone by misrepresenting their faith. +++And neither are by having this kind of a faith. No one saved you...they corrupted you and you're now going to do the same to other innocent chiuldren. No wonder no minded a policy of starving children to death...your church has one of scaring them and then boring them and guilt inducting them to why not starve them too and send them to god? There's not a Christian alive who takes his or her faith seriously who'd read what you're writing and think "yes, this is what I believe." But then, you MUST know better than they do, because you're not afraid of death... +++There are very few sane and decent Christians left alive anyway...but you're wrong there too. There are lots of people who woke up one day, saw what they'd been coerced into and ran out screaming in the night. There's always hope. > >>>"Jesus died for me...and so can YOU!" >> >>***You创re getting close...but then again...what about Heaven? never mind. Just like you创ll take all the benefits that came from killing 500,000 Iraqi children...though you will "agonize" over it as you fill up at the pump so you can go out and show the world hopw to live as Jesus did. This ISN创T arrogance? > >Honestly, Farid, what world leader has made more of a fuss over the Sanctions and the War than the Pope? Name one. ++++Now you're talking. No one said you guys don't make a "fuss". You aren't stupid...that's not my assertion at all. The pope would be flayed alive if he ever dared actually do anything to upset the apple cart. Once...age ago a pope could make an emperor come to Canosa...but the church's back was broken long ago and a good thing to. You're kept around for window dressing that's all...just like they have guys like you to disarm people and children while the real bastards who run your gang move in for the kill. didn't answer the question...a lifteime spent in accepting "gifts" and overlooking the blood it took to get those gifts has left you people with very little moral compass...fuss all you want to about it. > >>***That创s blasphemy if I ever heard it. God was made in YOUR image...anything other than that is scarilege. Your god isn创t a god of love at all..that创s your adverty for it...what are you gonna do, tell the truth? That your god has condoned murder from the day he was born, even up to and including his own sons. He pulled back with Ishmael and what创s-his-name but got his wish finally with Jesus. You call that love? > >Same mistake as before. Jesus IS God. And yes, that's what I call love. > >Your tv pal, +++Stick to the Cartoon's full of love too. > >Andy --------------------- |
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