Reply to Parhadian Quote |
Posted by
The Nineveh Kid
- Saturday, February 14 2004, 6:43:19 (EST) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
PARHADIAN QUOTE: ",,,the core of Christianity...what distinguishes it from ALL OTHER "moral systems" is that it tells you to accept the benefits that come ONLY from murder..and to eat human flesh and drink human blood. That's it...that's all...and of course that by doing all of this you'll not rot in your grave but fly to heaven...why you don't want to discuss Christianity is your business" The previous moral codes demanded an eye for and eye and a tooth for a tooth. Before, Jesus Christ, no one taught by the example of their life, that good conquers evil, only through the displacement of evil. Returning evil for evil is what the United States did in Iraq (the Law of Talon), which we have regressed to. The displacement of evil with good is often a long process requiring a great deal of patience, sacrifice and courage to persevere to the end, even if one must yield his life in the bargain. This message of Christ, however, does not appeal to modern man. Modernism and all of the worldly benefits it brought the human race, has instead elevated the hoarding of material into personal storehouses as the sole object of our lives. This has only succeeded though, in the enslavement of mankind to those material benefits. And by wedding ourselves to the Earth, we are completely distracted from the real purpose of our existence, which is to know God, to love Him and serve Him in this world, and to be happy with Him forever in the future life. It is so cynical for you to sit there like a spectator of the human drama, observing it as though you alone are detached from it all, so you can sit outside of it as though you are not part of it, criticizing almost everyone else, because they do not fit into your scheme of how the drama should play out. I still don't know what YOU believe. And that makes it really easy for you to hide in the shadows not declaring what you are for, only what you are against. You seem to think, that makes you right, and everyone else in this world wrong. Who appointed you chief critic of the human race? You go into questionable historical records written by other human beings, boring us to death with an endless stream of details (which his satanic majesty must take special delight in), that do not clarify, but only obfuscate the Truth. You almost sound, like a fire and brimstone preacher, secure in his pulpit or a secular-lawyer-psychiatrist-priest, looking down from his skyscraper tower, on the rest of humanity, as though he is the only one who knows the Truth, namely, that there is no Truth, and he is the only one smart enough and courageous enough to realize this. And what of YOUR bible? Yes, all of the records and documents you love to quote from as though they are Holy Writ. By what accounting do you hold these records to be more valid than the scriptural accounts? Furthermore, you are very selective, carefully choosing only those accounts that support your bias and ignoring all other accounts that would contradict you. Then you hang everything on this absurd idea that Christianity is no more than cannibalism and vampirism, as though the Eucharist could in any way be compared to pagan rituals or fictionalized literature and movies of popularized legends which the Hollywood moguls sell to the public, only to pump more gold into their bank accounts, while they further increase the decadence and corruption of the popular culture. Yes, the Holy Eucharist contains the true Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, together with His Soul and Divinity, under the appearances of bread and wine. And for this very specific reason, you cannot describe this in any way, shape or form as cannibalism or vampirism; to do so is another act of sacrilege and blasphemy. Jesus said, I am the vine you are the branches, without Me, you can do nothing.” If Jesus Christ was merely human, then it would be cannibalism and vampirism, but He has two natures, one human one Divine. The word, Eucharist, means “Thanksgiving.” It is so called because when Christ instituted this Sacrament at the Last Supper, He gave thanks to His Heavenly Father; also because It is the chief means by which we give thanks to God. The bread and wine, change in substance, into the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Jesus Christ. He gives himself to us, in this way, to strengthen us against the evils that each of us must face every day of our lives, regardless of how good, wonderful and strong we think we are. We cannot stand alone against the evils of this world, which are now growing stronger with each passing day, because our very lives are the battleground and we are flailing uselessly against real forces of evil that will prevail against us when we are cut off from our Creator. And today, thanks to a growing number of people who think in a similar vein to you, the gulf between man and his Creator, is growing ever wider. Your version of reality is that God is unknowable, if He exists, and that if He does exist, He has no interest in us. He exists apart from us and is totally indifferent to us. Your camp further declares that we don’t need God in order to overcome evil in the world. It is religion, especially the Judeo-Christian variety, specifically, that is responsible for all of the evil in the world. Mankind was naturally good, has always been naturally good, until he invented religion, especially the Judeo-Christian variety! The truth, however, is that no seemingly good act we perform has any merit in itself. Its only perceived goodness, is that which we perceive according to purely human standards of goodness, but that is only what we would normally expect from each other anyway. If we declare any of our acts good in themselves, on our own, then we are merely inventing a human standard by which we judge ourselves against others. True goodness or Holiness, can only come from the Creator, not the creature. Only by doing the will of the Creator, therefore, and by participating in His life, can we attain to His standard of goodness. But, at all costs, you must resist the impulse to indulge the logic and reason of the Creator, even for the sake of argument, because any reasonable person would have to admit then, that no matter how difficult the thought of the Eucharist is to accept, on a purely human level, there is a Divine logic and reason to it that should make sense, even to the dullest of minds. The English journalist and writer, Malcolm Muggeridge, said, “Everything happening, great and small, is a parable whereby God speaks to us, and the art of life is to get the message.” Unfortunately, it seems that for you, the art of life is that there is no message. In other words, nihilism, rules the day. It is easy for a nihilist to mock everything and everyone that he does not like or agree with. The logic of a nihilist is to deny logic and reason or else to let it run in circles chasing its own tail. That makes you look like a genius and everyone else like an idiot. Doesn’t it ever get lonely in that ivory tower? The Nineveh Kid --------------------- |
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