Wellfed Alkhase wants your UNTITTIES... |
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- Thursday, April 15 2004, 18:32:57 (EDT) from - customer-148-233-93-145.uninet-ide.com.mx ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
here we go...another armchair Christian has plans and suggestions..and they can`t throw a party in Chicago... Back to Pau Zinda Magazine Calls for Historical Summit Wilfred Bet-Alkhas Editor Last year we had a date with destiny, an unexpected rendezvous with our future. It was the culmination of a roller-coaster ride which began 14 years ago in Baghdad and Berlin. With the end of the Cold War, and after two Gulf Wars, every ethnic group in Iraq found itself face-to-face with the possibility of playing an active role in the future of Iraq and the Middle East, ...they did? really? You couldn`t be more specific could you? Or are these just more lite words meant to soothe fatheads? I`m sure the freed slaves felt as you do after the Civil War...full of "hope". With what the United States did to people of color during the Clod war...in Latin America..and with what it`s doing to Darkies the world over right now..you see a "Golden Opportunity" for YOU? ...Christians will NEVER again play any kind of a part in the MidEast...honestly, how stupid can you get? I swear you guys LOVE to be dumb. to attain its political and cultural rights, and if necessary demand terrotorial integrity for its own homeland. ...you have no homeland you ass. The Cherokee Indians have a much better claim to their homelands..which you`re sitting on illegally right now..than you have to Iraq...the Seminole Indians have a treaty signed by the United States Congress and President Jackson...the same Congress of the same government you keep pleading with to "restore your rightful homes stolen from you"...and what chance do you think that they`ll do it? Or ANY government would? Can you imagine the precedent that would set? You have no claim whatsover on those lands..and even less so now that you`ve helped betray BetNahrain yet again..what the fuck are you talking about? This is now your attempt to see how many UNTITTI$ES you can get to join yours..so when there`s no doubt in even your mind that you really and honestly got not a damn thing...you in turn can claim that Zindalite was THERE DEMANDING..and we would have gotten it TOO..if not for you and you and him and her who kept their UNTITTIES to themselves...run along. You are a tiresome embarrassment. None of this was conceivable even a year earlier. Some had already attained a strong leadership with a vision of future and effective infrastructure to help achieve their people's national objectives. The Assyrians possess neither. The good news is that we have the right ingredients and suffient time -albeit very little- to accomplish what our Kurdish neighbors did between 11 September 2001 and March 2003. ...oh bullshit and more bullshit. Whom do you think you`re addressing? Zindalite readers?? This is why you boys chase anyone with sense and decency away..so you can get THIS kind of audience made of half-wits and lesser lights who ooze and coo and get wet all over at the sound of these words...you all TALK TOO MUCH..while other`s are doing. In March 1990, Germans voted for the unification of the two Germanys. The Cold War was officially dead. Five months later Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait. In January 1991 the U.S. Congress authorized President Bush Sr. to use armed forces to liberate Kuwait. The U.S. was concerned with Saddam’s next possible target: Saudi Arabia ...that`s fucking nonsense..Saddam only wanted Kuwait because it was always a part of Iraq and he had the okay of the US administration..that was the trap set for him...like he really thought he could capture the Saudi oilfields!!! He was pissed because pappy Bush`s company was drilling sideways into Iraq`s oil fields...from Kuwait..that and other reasons...you`re a fool Wilfred..you give Queers a bad name. - not the creation of a Kurdish state or increasing Shiia power in the region. Rightly so, Assyrians were concerned about the welfare of over two million Christians affected by the internal tensions within Iraq. ...then I think to show your concern you should get a Christian country or two to starve Iraqi children and leave Depleted Uranium in the playgroundas and deny medicine and food and you should ask Christian armies to attack and bomb people`s homes...but try to watch out for Majdolin..she`s expecting a second child...and I think if you have Christians pound Iraq for 13 years and more you`ll be a long way to making the Christians stuck in Iraq...who weren`t lucky enough to get out when you did...you`ll make their lives ever so much more secure and pleasant..and oh yes...I almost forgot..get the Christians there and any from America who love the Christians in Iraq to go to work for the American Liberators..that ought to about do it. Fortunately of us, the Assyrian Democratic Movement's leadership also sensed the coming of a great opportunity for the recognition of our struggle in that country. ...yes, they see great contracts looming in the future. The first Gulf War successfully deterred Saddam, and Kuwait was liberated. ...you may want to ask the Kuwaitis who are subjected to a Military Monarchy propped up by the United States...Kuwait is not a democratic country..at least there was the beginning of elections in Iraq...not in Kuwait. Yet without global leadership and the support of our people in the diaspora, we followed the national agendas of other anti-Saddam groups. None of us knew how to handle the situation in 1992. The Muslim groups did not have a "national agenda" of their own either. They faught among themselves, ...something, fortunately, you`ll never see Christians do. attacked each others' villages and shifted loyalties between Turkey, Syria, and Iran. Yet unlike our Kurdish and Shiia counterparts, we strongly agitated our diminished resources and strengthened a single political entity - namely Zowaa ...ZOWAA agitates itself every time it uses vibrators..and that`s about it. You guys have done what you usually do..find the one Christian group that can stand up and chew gum at the same time..and you want them to take you to the stars...ZOWAA is a joke...but you don`t dare laugh because you pinned all your stupid hopes on it...you all know this is going into the toilet where it always belonged..you are Christian sects trying to enoble yourselves by using the Assyrian name...all you want now is to make one sect the RIGHT one..the one that COULD HAVE..if only people had all UNTITTIED together..it`s pure religious crap..won`t fly..never has..never will. within Iraq -only to help sensitize the rest of us outside the Middle East. Our strategy was to provoke a sharp response and feeling of sympathy for the survivors of Saddam’s brutalities. ...I think they`re gonna feel hot shrapnel instead..you really think American soldiers are gonna ask questions first and shoot later? The Assyrian Democratic Movement became the symbol of our struggle in Iraq and slowly we defined Bet-Nahrain (Mesopotamia) as the country of Iraq, whereas before it had always encompassed Turkey, Syria, and Iran. ...you are SUCH a horse`s ass...it`s incredible.."we did"??? What the fuck did YOU do??? ADM is a symbol of a bad joke masquerding as a fart...and you love the smell of it so much because it`s the BIGGEST fart you boys ever laid. That`s your agenda...to smell the place up so bad they`ll GIVE you a place to go to! We reduced our 100-year vision of Nishra d’Tkhumee to a little area within North Iraq. ...try reducing it to Ceres...you will get nothing..and you all know that..know it well. Assyrians made the right decision to support the United States, as they supported the Arabs upon their invasion of Mesopotamia against the Persians. The United States has no co-equal and Iraq must become free. ...you fucking fascist dweeb...try taking it a little less in the head and more in the ass. A free Iraq with democratic institutions and a strong market economy provides greater opportunity to obtain our political and cultural rights in the Middle East. Economic sanctions imposed against Iraq worsened the economic conditions of our people. But we stood behind the U.S. and the U.N. resolutions. ...remember where you stood. Where we succeeded in assuring our commitment to the future of a free Iraq, we failed in the process of nation-building on a global scale. ...I can see it now...Wellfed in that one bedroom apartment of his above the garage...sitting at his black laquer desk..a dreamy look in his eyes as he jerks off for Assyria. We are nearly a decade behind our Kurdish counterparts in forming an international consensus among our political, religious, and social resources to formulate a unified front. Yet we have an incredible opportunity – due to the current volatile circumstances in Iraq – to reach similar state of affairs within the next few months. ...another "golden opportunity" brought to you by murder, infanticide and strangulation..just the way to prosper and make friends...it`s all the same thing folks...COME JOIN...COME JOIN...COME JOIN. They know nothing will come of it..even if every pin-headed Christian got into one big ball and spoke with ONE idiotic voice..in fact nothing would shoot them down more than if the DID all UNTITTY..cause then you`d see the biggest BOOBS you ever saw! ...This is a call in preparation...they`re choosing up sides in the playground...trying to get you to join their team..over THAT team..they`re desperately touting every imaginary achievement they ever told you about ZOWAA...ZOWAA is out there building schools and clinics and wait till they rebuild Iraq...etc. No single political party can be the voice of the entire Assyrian nation with all its colorful religious, cultural, and linguistic distinctions. Consequently reaching a united political front must now follow the religious reconciliation achieved last year through the adoption of a new name, not identity, for the Assyrians of Iraq, namely the term Chaldo-Assyrians. ..I know I shouldn`t bother..that this is smoke and Wellfed knows it as he says it...he actually, along with the rest of them, says we`ve just unified in the last year. Do you think he`s really THAT stupid? Well yes, he is...but not for believing it, because he doesn`t,...but for believing that more assholes on one side instead of the other are gonna be any less than a BIG asshole. We must now transition from separate political entities working in silos ...in SILOS??? What happened to the garages??? to a unified front operating as people’s representative within a parliamentary-like framework. We have several proposed models previously discussed in the pages of this publication which must now be seriously considered. ...YOU seriously consider them...I have to take the garbage out. Supporting one group in Iraq for example and another in Sweden will only deteriorate our chances of claiming our political and cultural rights in Iraq. ..no, no...you can "claim" anything you want to anywhere you want...see if you can get Manhattan while you`re at it. Do you think a "lot of `people claiming" will get you anything??? The Assyrian Universal Alliance and the Assyrian Democratic Movement have already begun national negotiations, starting with their recent meetings in Baghdad and North Iraq. The Assyrian Democratic Organization and ADM were equal partners in furthering the rights of the Assyrian people in Iraq and Syria even before the collapse of Saddam’s regime. ...just picture to yourselves the Secretary of the AUA...telling the city of Chicago he will personally sue them if they dare put the Shumirum Monument anywhere near the Oriental Institute in Chicago..THIS is the guy who leads these national bullshit exercises. Yet we must move beyond these photo opportunity sessions and engage all significant Assyrian political and non-political entities to a series of summit meetings around the world within the next few weeks and months. ...there are no political entitities ..you haven`t the least idea of what one looks like..it sure as shit wouldn`t look like your magazine...and of the forums or clubs for Bingo you have either..you are denominations trying to get the upper hand over each other..STILL..after all these centuries and bloody wars! You know it..you know you`d be the first to drop dead of shock if what you call for actually happened..what you want is more people to be FOOLED by you and the rest into believing and getting their "hopes" up..so when the inevitable collapse happens..I mean of your nonsense...when you can no longer maintain this fiction that you do National Work..when it all goes up in smoke and mirrors...you can then BLAME your "ENEMIES...ALL OF WHOM ARE OTHER CHRISTIANS!!! Purpose: to establish an effective international infrastructure to support our leadership in Iraq and to create an international political body with regional representation in various countries and/or regions.. ...you should orgasm any moment...try not to hit your mother`s photo will you? I noticed it looked a little "worn" when I was there. The Assyrian Universal Alliance followed this formula in 1967 and achieved incredible international recognition until the collapse of the monarchy in Iran and the coming of Baathist power in Iraq. ...yeah..it was in all the papers... Sadly, during these 12 momentous years (1967-1979) the AUA failed to succeed in transforming the Assyrian nation from groups of disparate communities to a unified global society. ...but look on the bright side..in that same period 500,000 children were united in death. In the last 12 years (1992-2004) the Assyrian Democratic Movement has not accomplished greater triumphs outside of Iraq either. Creation of a dozen fundraising branches around the world does not qualify for an Assyrian world representative body. ...sure it does..as long as the flights land in Geneva, you boys will be building your nations. We now have less than 12 months to accomplish what our two major political parties failed in two 12-year periods, before the final stage of the transfer of power in Iraq is put in motion - as noted in President Bush's speech earlier this week. ..in other words..hurry up and join your UNTITTIES to mine..you don`t want to be the laggard who LOST ASSYRIA...do YOU??? April is a special month in the political life of the Assyrian nation. On the 10th Assyrian nationalists celebrated the anniversary of the first AUA congress which took place in the city of Pau in France. Two days later the silver anniversary of the establishment of the most successful political party in the homeland– the Assyrian Democratic Movement – was celebrated throughout the world. ...yeah but nothing can beat the mind-fucking that took place on the Honeymoon...that set the tone wouldn`t you say? Neesan 2004 must now signify the beginning of new plans for the revitalization of old dreams. ..go ahead..try to re-live your youth while you`re at it....why not? Zinda Magazine’s proposed Operation Tammuz is a small step in the right direction. It is meant to prepare us for the compromise solutions that senior Assyrian officials will outline in private. The response from our readers in the last few weeks has been tremendous. ...no it has NOT! Like Peter and Jackie and the rest too, Wilfred has nothing but contempt for his "dear" people. To them you are all children they have to lead by the nose with pretty fairy tales and lies told because you coulsn`t handle the real truth...like they can. I`ll bet they`re all as sorry as hell that they ever thought a "bright" guy..and talented TOO...like me...might be induced to join them...they all said way too much to me in private to get away with this stuff. Wilfred is consciously slinging bullshit...stroking the vainest of Christian vanities and he`s laughing up his sleeve..he`s promised to "deliver" for ZOWAA...that`s all. The project will be officially debuted later this month to identify vital resources and initiate grassroots movements. But Operation Tammuz is not enough to create a national agenda, an effective international infrastructure and leadership. ...I`m not sure when Wellfed was "officially debutted"...but it`s been a while now. ...blah blah blah...Wellfed will "sadly" remind his "tremendous" readers in a year or so that he TRIED..."Lord knows I did"...to WAKE UP the Assyrian Nayshun but NO ONE LISTENNED TO HIM!!! That`s what all this nonsense amounts to..each asshole is putting forward a Grand Plan that if only followed completely will result in an ASSYRIA...just like that. Come ON! The balance of power has once again shifted in the Middle East. With Saddam gone, a power vacuum is created and the governments in Ankara and Tehran are now compelled to recalculate their military and nuclear power requirements. ...Wellfed reads a lot. While President Bush is finding it more difficult these days in persuading the American public to continue support for a U.S.-led military presence in Iraq, the economic conditions of Afghanistan and Iraq are not improving. ...no but the undertakers are going great guns. What is the boy talking about? Iran and Turkey are becoming more suspicious of the U.S. intentions in granting special status to the Iraqi-Kurds through the newly-signed Interim Constitution. What does all this mean for the supposedly powerless Assyrians in Iraq and around the world? ...supposedly powerless??? What are you doing joining your voice to the rest of them BEGGING for UNTITTIES? ...In the first place you aren`t Assyrians...you are Christians playing dress-up. Assyrians were never this stupid..and they weren`t Christian either. Zinda Magazine calls upon all major political parties to declare their willingless - by 16 May 2004 - to work together in reaching the unreachable star ...how about "Climb every Mountain"??? - to form a global infrastructure within which an effective political leadership can be established before January 2005. On 17 May the list of these political and non-political entities (Federations, Churches, Media representatives, etc) who took the initiative to cooperate in 2004 will be released to the Assyrian public. ...oh GREAT..Wellfed is going to OUT the ones who refused to UNTITTY!!! He must recall how I outed him..though his secret was never much of a secret. In the same issue, Zinda Magazine will outline the mutually agreed plans for the historical gathering of these groups and institutions. ..."Hysterical"...get used to it. Last year, for the first time in a very long time, we met face to face with our destiny. We discovered that we are not as powerless as we once thought we were. We also learned that the past no longer equals the future. ...turn every sentiment expressed here 180 degrees around and you have the truth..and the obvious truth is that is all hyper bullshit calculated to squeeze as many UNTITTIES as Wellfed can...face to face with destiny...the unreachable star...sounds like bad soap opera. Once again we can dream of a new Assyria with one name, one purpose, one leadership for one nation. ...with UNTITTIES for all. What was only a dream conceived in Pau, France in 1968 is a possibility today because of a series of international events, including the end of the Cold War and the liberation of Iraq. Where we go from here is no longer in the hands of a few, rather up to all of us. We have only one option: to move forward - together and united. ...okay folks...the deam machine is leaving..be sure to get on bored. HONESTLY..is this embarrassing or what?? And the tragic and idiotic thing is that they all KNOW it`s absurd and empty and meaningless posturing..and yet when they gull enough gulls they actually feel what??? They achieved something meaningful?? I swear to be a Christian insisting you are Assyrian must mean you`re one of the stupidest people walking the earth... www.zindamagazine.com ...thank you Wellfed...you make the job so much easier...are you sure you aren`t an agent of MINE? --------------------- |
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