kakovitch resurfaces at beth |
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- Saturday, March 27 2004, 12:58:42 (EST) from - - ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
my god we make a spectacle! Now comes Kakovitch a man so subtle you can`t tell his satire from his BELIEVES. I guess he`s serious in this yet other and new diclaration to the wurld. What they must think of these Christians...what they must think of "Assyrians". 'ASSYRIA NATIONAL APPEAL' & 'INT'L APPEAL: PRESS RELEASE' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beth Suryoyo Assyrian (Othuroyo) Forum -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Written by Ivan Kakovitch on 27 Mar 2004 17:36:47: ASSYRIAN CANADIAN LOBBYING COMMITTEE ASSYRIA NATIONAL PETITION By IVAN KAKOVITCH Advisor March 25, 2004 Mr. Stockwell Day, Member of Parliament of the House of Commons of Canada, Foreign Affairs - Conservative Caucus Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6 Canada PREAMBLE A God lives in a temple A King lives in a palace A Man lives in a house A Man without a house is not a Man A Man without a Country is an International Problem. With this Assyrian proverb, we are humbly proffering The National Petition for Assyria. ...in the first place you have a country...it is the one you were born in...just as America becomes the country of the children of yours born in America...or in Canada or in Africa. This is the definition of a country most sane people go by. They do NOT consider a legitimate country one that ceased to exist over 2000 years ago...if they did there would be no end of confusion at passport offices all over the wordl. To avoid such confusion the world decided that any country in existence at the present moment is a country...those that existed before on those same lands and by different names and with different everything lese..including religion...USED to be countries...the world honors them for once having benn countries...but the world moves on. PROLOGUE In War. In Peace. In Arbitration. In Pacification. In Justice. In Freedom. In the struggles for Humanity and Democratic Ideals, The Maple Leaf, the symbol of the Dominion of Canada, is not only hoisted along side with the other flags of the world, in their struggle for international peace, liberty and justice, but, it has been apprised as being the standard-bearer for humanity, in the 20th and the beginnings of the 21st centuries. ...let`s cut the crap...no country goes to war for any of those and never did. Countries go to war to profit...and in material ways. America never brought democracy anywhere and just took a great big chunk out of it with Bush...neither did Stalin ever support a communist movement anywhere...these are pretty stories...let`s try to be real. Hence, The Assyrian Canadian Lobbying Committee, in consort with the Assyrians world over, introduces its initial meritorious stages of aiding and abetting the sustenance of the identity--both cultural and national--in inaugurating an International Lobby for Freedom and Liberty for Assyria in Iraq, by submitting the following Assyria National Appeal to the House of Commons of Canada. ...that is a mish mash of nonsense mostly...and happily will be perceived as just that. You aren`t in "consort" with Assyrians anywhere...you in Canada are also a bunch of Christians duking it out..e.acgh of you consorting with people the world over...when you can`t drink tea with the wurld leeder down the street. But go ahead...make my case for me. ...there is no Assyria in Iraq...there is Iraq. There is no Apache Nation in America...there is America. There is no Albion in England...there is England. There is no Roman Empire in Italy...there is Italy. SUMMARY OF HISTORY OF ASSYRIA Ever since the fall of the Assyrian Empire in 612 B.C., these proud people, held on to their national destiny despite the most ravaging onslaughts, and most inhuman treatment at the hands of the aggressors. ...you do not "hold onto" your national destiny...you can`t know what your destin is going to be when you`ve lost your empire and had your nation overrun...you make that destiny up as you go along...and if you abandon the religion that gave you that nation...guess what? The Medes, the Greeks, the Sassanid and, Umayyad Dynasties of Persia, the Arabs the Mongols, and the Ottomans, were not able to obfuscate the sense of nationalism of the Assyrians. ...they never tried...why would they? At the time of the empire and after they all shared wives and generals and artists and languages and they tolerated each other`s gods...These dynasties all came under the influence of the Assyrians...like you came under the influence of Judaism. It took the crafty Whitehall British Colonial Empire-building diplomats do hand Assyria and its citizens a mortal blow. This catastrophic event catapulted in 1926, when the British Colonial Empire, by-passing the Assyrian Autonomous Region of Mosul, ironically, designated and duly recognized by the Ottoman Empire, ever since its occupation in 1453, created a country by the name of Iraq. ...that`s how all countries get made. If you can`t do it yourself it will get done for you. There was no autonomous region of Assyria...that ended long before..there were those villages where you were all still hiding while the rest got on with life. Assyria had no citizens...they were citizens of the Ottoman Empire and had been for a few centuries...what are you talking about? As though surrendering peaceful Christian minority to the majority of Moslems and the Shari'a was not enough, the British, also ceded over more than half of the land as well as its residents of the Province of Mosul [northern Iraq] to Turkey, thus, cutting Assyria in half, and reducing its meagre population by more than sixty percent. ...that`s the way of the world...can`t tell you how often it`s happened...it`s just that people get on with their lives...you people are Christians who hate Islam...you always did. That isn`t a basis for a country to be founded anywhere. This loss of territory and its inhabitants was in complicity to the loss of almost 750,000 Assyrians to the Ottoman Empire on the eve of World War I, only to be prosecuted by its successor nation, Turkey, along with its co-religionists, the Azaris, the Arabs and the Kurds, combined, barely a decade earlier. ...shit happens...the Basques are pissed..the Irish are pissed...Natives all over the New World and Australia and New Zealand are pissed...but they got over it and joined society...you will get nothing...you only get less and less the more you bring this up...not for you, you are safe in Christianlandia...but for the other poor shmucks who catch hell for this nonsense that so angers Muslims...especially right NOW..which to you is a "golden moment" of opportunity but is a time of mourning and devastation to them brought to them courtesy of Christianity. Have you NO shame? DUPLICITY OF ACTIONS The signing of Iraqi Transitional Fundamental Law of March 8, went summarily uncontested, although, once again, Assyria was showed away at the expense of international politics and their merits, by the sponsors and the promulgators, namely the British and the American dictates. The means were being perfected while ends were neglected. The irony is that the Coalition was formed to placate the dictatorship, and to supplant it with democracy, hence, the hand picked Interim Government Council of Iraq ignited yet another ill-fated facet of dictatorship, by imposing la puissance contre la faiblesse (potentate over the weak). ...nothing to it...the Christians are an increasingly unwelcome population in Iraq and elsewhere over there...as a new colony of Muslims would be in Manhattan right now. You people should all be sent out for your own protection because idiots like you are only making it harder for them back home...since Muslims who read this garbage can`t get at you, they`re going to take it out on the few they CAN reach...and no...I don`t have any secret information on impending attacks...you go stand on the freeway in rush hour and I`ll bet you you`ll get creamed...what does that prove except that you don`t know enough not to play in traffic. LEGALITY vs. DEMOCRACY Article 7, and its subparagraph (A) of the Iraqi Transitional Fundamental Law state the following: " Islam is the official religion of the State, and the source of all legislation." "(A) No law that contradicts Islam shall be tolerated." No Constitution--and precisely Democratic--has to adhere to a religion. Obviously, most constitutions are based on millennia-old religious rites and ideals, but it is all a constitution must bare. Once religious dogmas are inserted into any part of a constitution, it, thus becomes authoritarian, hence, imperfect and undemocratic. ...you mean like faith-based initiatives and any number of other bits of legislation being inserted into our constitution illegally? You mean like the cross the Ass bought from Tucson and hopes the city of Turlock will trash the Constitution by installing...much to the delight of you sharia boys? An idiot knows no bounds. Iraq can be under THEIR god like A,erica wants to be more and more under its OWN GOD: You`re all half nuts. We fervently believe that justice should be done between nations, whether they be great or small, precisely as it is implicated between men, whatever the difference of their positions in society. ...There is only the rule of the jungle between nations...if you looked out at the world at all you`d know that...the people you`re adressing know it..and they also know what to do with this diclaratrions. Since the same Constitution confers upon the Kurds a de jure national and geographically designated territorial 'Region', which they had controlled as a de facto, ever since the Gulf War, thus, confirming the Kurdish Regional Government over the four Provinces of northern Iraq, there is no justification to relegate Assyria and its Syro co-nationals to subjugation by the Kurds, themselves, being the minority in Iraq. ...there may be and there may not be..what does it matter to you anyway? There wil be no Assyria...there will be no Kurdistan...with a lot more people dead and money stolen from Iraq and the region destabilized for another forty years or so...things will go back to where they were...Iraq will be Iraq...the Kurds and you will be pissed only this time America can send Israel, or come itself to "maintain peace and democracy". What are you talking about? This argument is raised in view of the fact that the Kurdistan Regional Government has been handed the Province of Ninewah [previously known as Mosul]--the ancient cradle of civilization, namely, the Assyrian Empire--at the expense of the latter. This is the Province, where more than 60% of the Assyrian and Syro co-nationals reside in northern part of Iraq. ...no one has been handed anything...knowing what kinds of people it has to deal with...sucker-deals are being made right now to identify who needs to be jailed or killed...by "terrorists" from the outside of course. By the time the population left...already devastated and their last batch of poor fools who believed Bush and got killed for it..is reduced and neutralized and just want to get on with life...there will be another set of laws altogether and you can do this all over again cause you STILL ain`t going to get squat. No one in the West is going to put Christians on any oil wells. COMBATANTS vs. NON-COMBATANTS The 100,000 strong Kurdish army of Pesh Merga obviously wields a heavy clout, never mind that the message to go to war in Iraq was--or, at least, is--to eradicate the power and the powerful and supplant it with freedom and liberty. Under what pretences could both the U.S. and Britain proclaim liberty and freedom in Iraq, when they surrendered almost 1.5 million Assyrians and Syro co-nationals into servitude of an alien religion, alien rule, and alien culture? ...Christianity itself is alien to the region and was imposed upon the people long ago..and they love it today...maybe they`ll love getting out and to the West...or love converting as the price of staying there...who knows. No one handed anything over to anybody...these are all your ways of seeing who you can attract into your camps...for the battle later on. Although combatants during World Wars I and II, the Assyrians laid down their arms, immediately after World War II at the insistence of the British--whose cause they were serving by battling as levies of the British Colonial Empire on the side of the Allied Forces against the Fascist elements in Iraq, instigated by the President of Iraq, Rashid Ali al-Geylani--and were banished to spend many months behind the barbed wires in Baquba and Habbaniya. The word combat makes some people cringe and shiver. But combat is not all violent. Peaceful combats have been more abundant and more successful than the violent ones. Champions of peace like Jesus Christ and Gandhi won more hearts and minds, more territories, more adherents, and for the longer periods of times, than all the conquerors' conquests put together. The Assyrians shall eschew violence at all cost. Assyria is not a battalion, and it does not seek an ephemeral solution. Assyria is harbouring the idea of perpetual solution to its errand subsistence, based on integral part of acquiring a territory, so that it can regulate its own laws and ordinances, and to advance its cultural endeavours, prevalent for its survival. ...lots of people have nice things to say about themselves...it`s good of you to be so peaceful...but the rest of you cheered on the murder of Muslim Assyrians...you can hardly expect to be forgiven for it..or have the people of the region forget it either...you cannot form a postage stamp sized anything there without drawing all the violence directed at you now shun...what will you do then? You`ll ask the West to come protect you,....and they`ll do it and that will make you even MORE hated. It`s over...forget about it. see what you can do in Canada to establish an Assyrian presence...outside the church...there is no hope of a CHRISTIAN one in BetNahrain...that will be left to our Muslim brothers and sisters. This isn`t the first time in history peace is declared after a civil war in which brother kiled father...happens all teh time..we can make peace with out Muslim brothers and sisters..we don`t HAVE to keep goading them and fighting the wars of other centuries..enough is enough. REDRESS QUESTION OF ASSYRIA WHEREAS, The Iraqi Transitional Fundamental Law is a politically motivated dictate, and its fabrication and forceful implementation, ostracize the rights, and the survival of the second largest minority of Iraq, namely Assyria and its Syro co-nationals. WHEREAS, The Question of Assyria ought to be addressed to the United Nations, and despite its merely juridical and abstract characteristics, we deem it necessary for a nation, as Canada--a member of the United Nations--in war or peace, to offer a helping hand to introduce a bill on the floor of this august body, on behest of Assyria. WHEREAS, The United Nations shall envisage our problem as businessmen dealing with realities of growth and opportunity, and not merely as lawyers defining rights and remedies. WHEREAS, The Coalition, ought to cease functioning as a strategist, and present a face of a true democrat instead. A strategist thinks how to use the circumstances to usher men from one corner to another, the democrat thinks of the rights of men. WHEREAS, Article 7 of International Law issued during the Constitution of Korea in 1948 states: "The duly ratified and published treaties and the generally recognized Rules of International Law shall be valid as a binding constituents part of the Law of Korea. The status of aliens shall be guaranteed within the scope of International Law." (The Bees, Their Honey and the World., p. 67. by Ivan Kakovitch. Pub. Teheran University Press, 1970). WHEREAS, The Transitionary Constitution of Iraq, by positioning Assyria under the dominance of the Kurds, rather than the Iraq Central Government, effaces all traits of nationality and ethnicity, thus, eventually compelling Assyria and Syro co-nationals--indigenous to Iraq--to be treated as aliens in their own land. WHEREAS, Shari'a (The Islamic Law), as per ex post facto hadiths, associated with the edicts of The Prophet who had admonished that "The Happiness of His People Depended On Two Classes: (1) that of the Omrah (Rulers), and (2) the Foqaha (Prudentes)." [Ibid.] p. 82. WHEREAS, A ruler with good intentions might stand undaunted before the wretchedness of a hardline ruler, and vice versa, the Shari'a Code of Laws might be interpreted any which way it suits the mood and the temperament of the era, of either one of the rulers. Hence, the act of "equality in fact and equality in law", might very well become the term of the past, and/or might be jeopardized by obfuscation. WHEREAS, Assyria be allotted a geographically demarcated territory, proportionate to its population--taking into account the return of over 1 million Assyrians and Syro co-nationals that went into exile for the past five decades--in the Province of Ninewah. WHEREAS, Assyria be granted a mandate to maintain a predictable military force for its internal security, as well as a police force. This is in correlation with the rights granted the Kurdish Regional Government, as prescribed in Article 53(D). WHEREAS, Assyria and Syro co-nationals behold onto a Region, to be recorded in the Iraq annals, as Assyria Regional Government. WHEREAS, Assyria Regional Government, to function on a par level as all the other Regional Governments in Iraq. WHEREAS, Assyria, to determine its future along side its co-citizens and neighbours on an equal, fair and just scale, on social, economic and political platforms. WHEREAS, Assyria and Syro co-nationals, with a total population of under 1.5 million, in order to withstand its ground in the face of the Kurdish population of some 3.5 million in the adjacent area, be allowed to mobilize a predictable echelon of battalions to act as its security apparatus. The ratio of Assyria and Syro co-nationals is 40-60 to that of the Kurds, whereas the Albanian was, and is, in a single digit to that of the Serbians. FINALLY, WHEREAS, Assyria not to be subjected to the chain of authoritative commands, issued by the Kurds, then passing to the Arabs, the Shi'as, the Sunnis, the British and, ultimately the Americans. ...take your whereasses and shove them up your thereassess. This is nothing more than the usual in a different guise..you people want to keep a Christian presence there at all cost to others because you hate addmitting Islam won over more Assyrian hearts and minds than Christianity EVER did....and that under its influence Islam created another golden age while you all ran to Mongolia working for a Jew corporation. --------------------- |
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