The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: lol

Re: lol
Posted by Shushan (Guest) - Friday, September 3 2004, 9:33:17 (CEST)
from - Windows 98 - Internet Explorer
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hi sweetie

maybe i will just occassionaly once a month post but i am trying to get off the internet....but it is addictive and you are right if that was a real friendship but it was not... it was someone that was just using me and when they got all they could, they turned on me with lies and digs and denials of my help and since it was initially just between us, its only purpose had to be to hurt me... and that is no friend.. i never would have told anyone anything... but she wanted me to so stalked me here and insulted me and taunted me to tell so she could barrage me with all those lies and defamations about me... and it is not that i care what people think, it is just the sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach that has me torn up by it. and i feel horrible now cause i never wanted to bring it here and hurt her, i was just hurt by her insults and that my good and pure intentions and help that were appreciated as such while i was giving it,were being twisted into something ugly after it was finished. i just wnated to break off our friendship and leave the internet, cause i knew if i stayed i would be stalked, and i just wanted to say bye to you all here and she started with the insults and provoked me telling me to tell why our friendship fell apart, so i did.. everything i said was the truth and she was lying, but i still feel bad and wish i had not given in to wanting to strike back and be mean back and insult back.... and when she blew it up out of porportion to try and ruin her essay credit, i am mortified cause it is her essay and just because i helped does not mean she should self destruct like that... so i best go off the internet as much as possible casue this has broken my heart, ruined my desire to connect to assyrians in my middle america isoltion, and given me a near nervous breakdown... for i have never been lied about so psychotically and felt framed having goodness turned ugly.. and i am ashamed that i let her push my buttons and provoke me to say anythign.. i just wanted to leave in peace... and there is no friendship to have again.. she was a fake friend, just using me and my kindheart and good help... you are only right when it is a real friendship were both sides have mutuality and not one just taking and the other giving and then having the taker spit in the face of the giver... but i am done. i posted a post to put it all to peace and undo her damage, so i can't talk or think about it anymore for it hurts too much... i am not thickskinned like most on forums, my heart is too sensitive as is my nature and stuff like this devastates me... so i best go.. the first of every month i will post something interesting just to say hi and keep in touch.

take care. :)


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