The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> do you realize...

do you realize...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Sunday, September 12 2004, 15:26:43 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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...just how low the intellectual level out there in "Assyria" is? Glance over at beth and aina if you want a good shock. These idiots have managed to scare everyone away...I mean anyone who can think a bit and has read any book besides the fucking gone.

Ashur`s open garbage to Alawi is abominable...Aprim`s posts are a fog inside a cloud bank...Hanna is so pleased with himself you can just SEE him jerking off...Jassim, who believes "less is more" is more or less (well what COULD he believe having been given so little?)..take your pick...there`s one guy wishing death to anybody he doesn`t like...there are people pulling plugs on wrong music...others praising them for their "Activism"...and no one else...

Every once in a while some guy goes past with a cross up his arse trailing homilies a review of a movie review..and a smattering of nonsense that proves beyond a doubt that these people CAN`T be who they say they are...hell, they barely qualify as Christians and THAT is no great shakes!

Probably the most usefull function this place serves is that it is THERE...and someday, if there is life anywhere out there...signs of it MIGHT pop up here..for you know damn well it won`t happen at the otehr fact if they SAW it coming they`d kill it.

Then we have a few who really belong over there but thought to make us "just like the rest"...I tell you, there is stark FEAR in Christlandia...the jig is up...the Front has collapsed...ALL they can think of doing is crowding us with Paul and his ilk...which only makes our case the STRONGER!

The guy who says we`re "just like them"...couldn`t do anything like what he does here, freely too...over THERE...not even at his own site would he DARE do such things..I mean sorry state of assyria where nothing exists that wasn`t put there five years ago.

Every insult Paul sends our way for being immoral and fluid and murderous lands on his own head...because if we are what he says we are..we`d behave like the rest of them...but we don`t..we behave like Assyrians...keeping a candle in the window to maybe show others the hopes theyll come and join us begin to BEGIN to build something..we know not what...yet.`

We have to forge closer ties to ALL our people there..who are ALL the people there...before America has its way and turns it into another Palestine with the Israelis needing more "buffer space". The last thing Assyrians need is a triangle ghetto where the Chrisatians can be kept till needed...the LAST thing..only through integrating that area and accepting them all is there some hope. Let the church die and be damned..let BetNahrain live.


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