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- Monday, May 16 2005, 16:29:15 (CEST) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
...who have YOU thrown out of "Assyria"? Do your national duty...EXPOSE a friend today!!! This otherwise rambling post...from that place where all things ramble, aina...has some interesting points about what happens when you trust people just because they are "fellow Christians". The most of it though is the same depressing and distressing "we are real Assyrians" nonsense...warmed over and served on wet toast. AN AWAKENING CALL TO OUR ASSYRIAN NATION WORLD WIDE Posted By: WILSON BENJAMIN <> ( Date: Monday, 16 May 2005, at 3:57 a.m. An Awakening Call to Our Assyrian Nation Worldwide Wilson P. Benjamin California I am not affiliated with any organization, only serving my beloved nation Assyria; and willing to meet with any individual or Gabba to discuss issues related to our nation. I only speak from personal experience, and first hand knowledge of our nation’s political issues. Hopefully we may find a formula to create an understanding to unify our aim and to unite our objective! I was born in Nineveh, Iraq in 1922. Being an entrepreneur for the past sixty years, I have handled some major constructional projects in Iraq. Had offices in Baghdad, Basrah, Fao, Kerbala, kufa and Najaf. This should give the reader an idea how I succeeded, single handed, working peacefully with hundreds of local people who were working for me for over twelve years. The formula is simple ” do onto others, what you expect to be done onto you” In short: respect others, and you will get respect back. Subjects for discussion A: The Political Arena B: Separation of Politics and the Churches C:The conspiracy D: Recommendation to our Assyrian Roman Catholic Church The Political Arena Our political arena is in turmoil; can it be resolved? Yes it can, If we Put the priorities in order. Do not mix personality with our duty. Consider working for our nation a sacred duty, as equally as one serving our church. Our current leaders are at odds with each other, because Lack of unity, trust and respect towards each other.Lack of political experience'and Lack of leadership. All of the above need to be analyzed one by one Separation of Politics and the Church: (Please take note of the church’s actions during the past centuries): The church has a solemn responsibility to take an active and convincing role to separate its involvement in the nation’s politics. At the same time the political leadership should maintain a respectable and an understanding dialog to call upon the church leadership for help when it becomes necessary. His Holiness Mar Dinkha, Patriarch of the Assyrian Church of the East, has been saying it publicly that the church dose not get involved in the politics of the Nation!! . Our church leaders have always put their and/or our nation’s trust in the hands of a few low level foreign individuals, believing that because their Country’s religion is Christian, therefore such acquaintance could be trusted. And in most cases it has turned out to the detriment to our objective. The interference of the churches has also caused a serious split among the nation, by implying the denominational strategy, and work against each other. Ultimately, the political organizations and the churches should be two separate entities to serve the same body of people. The British inteligence began to arrive in Hakkary from 1895 to 1915. Wearing black gowns and pretending to represent the Church of England! They held regular private meetings with Mar Benyamin and with some of the leaders of the tribes. The British were responsible for the movement of our people from Hekkary Mountains down towards Uremia., Iran It was suggested that the British will led us to Iraq and will give us our homeland.. The leaders of the Assyrian tribes, including Malik Khoshaba and Agha Petros surrounded Mar Benyamin for protection. On their journey down towards Urmia, it was suggested to Mar Benyamin by his black gowned allies that he should stop at Khou-Salamas and meet with Simkoo, the Kurdish leader! The group of armed Assyrian men of Mar Benyamin suggested very strongly that he should not meet with Simkoo. Being a simple and devoted Christian, and trusting his British advisors, he insisted that he should meet with Simkoo to make peace! Well, I presume that you know the rest of the story. During 1915 to 1918, the Turks, Kurds, and Iranians killed several thousands of our people. Thousands more perished through the deadly journey. And when the remaining half-reached Iraq, they were put into camps at Baquba, and some in Mindan. After a year or so we were left alone to survive! In early 1920’s, Agha Petros decided that the British would not do any thing to fulfill their promise to the Assyrians. In year 1923 Agha Petros went to Lausanne, the League of Nations and submitted a petition on behalf of the Assyrians demanding our rights. Guess what happened? The British invited Surrma Khanim to London, England, and decorated her with the Knighthood. Medal.. Officially, she became Lady Surrma! You should guess what happened to Agha Petros? In 1968 Mar Eshai Shimon, invited the bishops to attend the regular business meeting in San Francisco. . A decision was made to move the Christmas holiday date from the old Assyrian calendar to the Georgian calendar. It was intended to suite the working class of the church members to celebrate the Christmas holiday together with the rest of the Christian communities. December 25th. According to the old calendar, December 25th falls on 7th day of January in the Georgian calendar. And that is how the new church was labeled “ the seventh”. When the bishops returned to their bases and made the announcement, a contingent of the members refused to change. It became a major issue, it revived the old split which was created between Mar Benyamin and Malik Khoshaba. In the 19th century, Malik Khosabah Yousep of Tiary asked Mar Benyamin to bestow the official title of Malik onto him. Another story is that all towns or villages have a bishop and the two tiyaries had none. A cool period took place between the two. Remember, Malik Khoshaba was one of the closest supporters of Mar Benyamin. 1n the 1970’s, Mar Shimon was officially invited to visit Iraq. And was received by the president of Iraqi, Ahmad Hassan Albaker. He was welcomed with a red carpet reception, and put in the White House guest quarters, and presented him with gifts. He was provided Assyrian bodyguards, and his Iraqi citizenship was reinstated. An official declaration was made publicly appointing him Mar Shimon the head of all Christianity in Iraq, and his diocese was to be established in Nineveh, Mosul. Before returning to u.s.a. said that he will let them know on his next trip! On his second visit, Mar Shimon officially refused to undertake the task! Obviously this upset the Iraqi government and destroyed their plans. I arrived in Baghdad immediately after the first visit of Mar Shimon, to follow up with my private business. I discovered that the Khoshaba’s group were planing to establish a new church! I tried to bridge the gape and aimed to re-unite the church, and guess what? I was refused by Mar Yousep Khnanisho and his brother Shlimon, saying that I should not interfere! They did not know or did’not want to know that I was a strong supporter of the unity of the church and the visitation of Mar Shimon to Iraq. However, in the meantime Khoshaba’s group invited bishop Mar Tooma Darmu from India and immediately upon his arrival, he was ordained the patriarch of the new church named “The Ancient Church of the East” The Nestorus Label In Ephesus in the year 431 AD, at the council of churches, the Greek bishop Nestorus rejected the interpretation of the Roman church that Saint Marry being the mother of God. And the Church of the East supported bishop Nostoorus’s interpretation. Since those days the Church of the East was labeled by Vatican as “Nostorian” Between 1972 and 1974 our beloved Mar Dinkha met with the late Pope John Paul II in Vatican to work towards the unity of the churches. It was Mar Dinkha who demanded the removal of the name “Nostoros” In 1976 the nickname Nestorians was removed and replaced by “the Assyrian “ since then it became: “The Assyrian Church of the East”. In the early sixteenth century the Church of the East had a misunderstanding with Bishop Youkhana Soolaqa. The Roman Catholic Church took full advantage of the situation. In fact Pope Julius III first appointed Soonlaqa as patriarch of Mosul and Atour, which at that time together with Nineveh were known as the district of Atour (Assyria). And some forty years later Vatican created the Chaldean label and it became “The Chaldean Roman Catholic Church of Babylon”. Imagine:: For centuries and up to this date the Assyrian Nation has been governed and handled, single-handed, by the Patriarch of the Church of the East; who even did not have a body of advisors. And in recent times we have several independent political groups and neither one communicates with the other! We are living in the twenty-first century, and in the sophisticate era. Therefore The question arises! Shall we continue with the existing patent? Or do we agree that enough is enough? And if the answer is “enough” then let us join the arena and learn the rules of the game and act accordingly. Therefore, it is imperative that the first thing to be done, is to separate the church from politics, so that the nation can have its’ freedom to get properly organized as a nation and follow up with what is required by the United Nations’ Charter. And it is only then that we can claim our human rights and our indigenous status. It.was Great Britain, in the seventeen century decided to prevent the church from meddling with the country’s political affairs. Even to this day the head of the church, namely the archbishop of Canterbury, is to be confirmed by the British Government And the founders of the United States of America adopted the same policy, “Separation of the Church and Politics.” For centuries the churches have dominated our nation’s political arena, even up to the present day. It is said that for the last six centuries the patriarch was elected from the same family, the Mar Shimon’s. The Chaldo-Assyria Name Conspiracy Above all, the recent disastrous action of some of our bishops, and the highly educated members of the community, almost sold out our nation’s historical name to the stooges of our enemies The Conspiracy They planned to destroy our God given Name:” Assur.” In the 1990’s, a hidden conspiracy was cleverly designed by three persons: Ghassan Shathaya, bishop Sarhad Jammo, and bishop Ibrahim Ibrahim, and funded by Saddam Hussain; who poured millions of US dollars, building churches and recreation centers for the Chaldeans in San-Diego and Detroit. The intended purpose was to divide and rule.the Assyrian Nation! Please note, that according to the records of the US Census Bureau, under the Atour’s Name there are eleven groups. The Chaldeans are registered under five similar names, Chaldean, Chaldo, Kaldany, Kaldu, and Telkefee. They even succeeded in gaining the support of some of our educated people and applied the first stage of their plan:.the slashes. Assyrian/Chaldean/Syriac Then, they applied to the Census Bureau to get recognition as an ethnicity but it did not succeed. This exposed the whole conspiracy! Especially the four who initiated the conspiracy:: Younadam Kana, Bishop Ibrahim Ibrahim, Bishop Sarhad Jammo and Mar Bawai Sorro. Finally, under the pretence of increasing our numbers, the group of four, and several Assyrian dignitaries from the Assyrian Academic Society, Assyrian American National Federation, AUA, and some of our church leaders decided to create a con-joint name. “Chaldo-Assyrian” It is sad to see that a group of educated people decided to impose on a nation their choice of a conjoined name “Chaldo–Assyrian” and to shovel it through the trough of a nation, and insist that it is for the best interest of the nation to increase the numbers! And the results are? Their action caused a split in the nation. And that is exactly what the enemy of the nation wanted; and they gave it to him on a golden plate! I refer the reader to paragraph seven of the preamble, of the Unrepresented Nations Peoples Organisations “UNPO” This is a branch of the United Nations: Reading as follows: “whereas the attempts to force people to adopt new identities to suit the political objectives of states have led to violations of human rights and the rights of peoples as inallenable rights in international law and declares All peoples have the right to self-preservation and physical existence. Peoples with small populations shall not be involuntarily subjected to harmful demographic policies, such as population transfers and coercive birth controls. For further information click on Hence, It is required of them to come home and extend a genuine helping hand to put the pieces together and let us move forward and act united under the banner of a gallant nation “Assyria” “Here befits the story of the two guys at a restaurant, one is painting a picture resembling his friend’s father. His friend refuses to agree, saying you have not seen my father, how come you are insisting that it resembles my father. And the painter friend says you must keep looking at it all the time then you will get used to seeing him as your father! Also the story of Mullah Nusradin and the thieve: The wife hears a noise in the yard, wakes up her husband and says go down and see what is happening. Mullah Nusradin goes down and time goes by and his wife calls him come up and no answer. Again she calls saying let him go and come up. Mulah Nasradin says I am letting him go but he is not releasing me! Our Chaldean brothers are releasing us and do not want to beconnected with the Assyria. But, we keep insisting that we want the conjoined name Chaldo-Assyria! The recent speech of Bishop Sarhad Jammo spells it out clearly. Also, our Chaldean brothers are refusing to be connected with the conjoint name Chaldo-Assyrian, but we are still using this name, just to fool ourselves. On April 16, 2005 The Chaldean National Congress Convened in Baghdad and declared that Chaldean people lay claim to being the descendants of the native people of Mesopotamia- Chaldeans/Babylonians. Recommendation to Our Assyrian Brothers and Sisters of the Roman Catholic Church: A special recommendation to our Asyrian brothers and sisters, throughout the world belonging to the Chaldean Roman Catholic Church. For centuries you have considered our Chaldean brothers ad sisters on equal level as one-nation Assyrians with different dialogue. Now that they have created a serious problem for you and / or themselves, insisting that the Chaldeans are a different ethnicity and are demanding that they should be registered in the new Iraqi constitution as Chaldean without any connection to the Assyrians. Therefore, please read the two letters, one from His Holliness Patriarch Mar Emmanuel Delly, and one signed by the nineteen Chaldean Bishops. Both letters submitted in September 2003 addressed to the U.S.A Ambassador in Baghdad at that time Mr. Paul Bremer. Both of these letters were ignored. Now, on April 16, 2005 the Chaldean National Congress convened in Baghdad declaring “ That the Chaldean ethnic identity is recognized in the Iraqi permanent Constitution and the Chaldeans are recognized as one of Iraq’s ethnic groups." You can find these letters in the archives of Zinda Magazine. If you wish to contact me I would be glad to send you copies via your e-mail. Email me at The purpose of my recommendation is to suggest that, you should hold a membership meeting and decide to communicate or present your case directly to Vatican. To suggest that you be given the opportunity to prepare Assyrian candidates for priesthood and Bishops; to be approved by the Vatican to replace the present Chaldeans. Priests. And in time to select someone to send to Vatican to be prepared and ordained as the Patriarch of the Assyrian Roman Chatolic Church. Let me suggest a hypothetical scenario to test our qualifications Supposing, within the next six months, Assyrian are given their Human Rights, and recognized being the indigenous people of Iraq, and given a part of Iraq allocated to us , called the Assyrian Home. And it requires the official Assyrian Leadership to come forward to sign Agreement on behalf of all Assyrian to accept Isn’t that what we are hoping one day to be a reality? Do we have such a qualified body of leadership to be able to represent us? I would suggest that we should be discussing such matters among our selves and with one another, so that we can be prepared to face the reality! Finally, we are a dis-connected nation. Individually we are very intelligent. Politically zero. Power is us: We the people. --------------------- |
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