Ivan The Terrible an me.... |
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- Monday, August 1 2005, 21:33:33 (CEST) from - 24-205-227-160.dhcp.atsc.ca.charter.com ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
...from aina...where it could be gone any minute now... 'NOW, MORE THAN EVER BEFORE...' ...and coming to a theatre near YOU! Posted By: Ivan Kakovitch <ivankakovitch@aol.com> (cache-ntc-ab08.proxy.aol.com) Date: Monday, 1 August 2005, at 12:03 p.m. 'NOW, MORE THAN EVER BEFORE, LISTEN, ADOPT AND IMPLEMENT!' ...why, wherefore and what the hell are you TALKING about? By IVAN KAKOVITCH PROLOGUE: ARTICLE I of the proposed New Iraq Constitution states: ...don't take it to heart...this is a constitution at gunpoint and not worth the blood it was written in. "The Federal Islamic Republic of Iraq is an independent and sovereign state. Its governing structure is a republic, democratic and federal." FIRSTLY: Iraq is a Republic. In the absence of a Monarchy - absolute or constitutional - any nation can present itself as a Republic. These Republics could be autocratic, democratic, fascistic, oligarchic, people's, socialist, theocratic, or totalitarian. The prescribed constitution to be adopted by Iraq, shall definitely, and without the slightest of arguments, render that country -- both in theory and practice - as a Democratic Republic. ...that's what they just SAID. The case in point is that democracy is a byproduct of the wishes of the majority of the inhabitants of a State. No one can deny the fact, that given a free choice, the majority of Iraq population, being of Islamic faith, shall elect the conduit of an Islamic Rule, above all else. That is Democracy, and the verdict is a clear-cut fait accompli. ...you might want to look up "conduit"...then again you may just want to barrel through the language anyway. SECONDLY: A Federal State is the one that has demarcated borderlines for each part of its various inhabitants. ...not true at all. If you mean as in states, counties and provinces...you are correct...if you mean by ethnic lines...or religious...you are wrong. In most countries these boundaries are strictly geographical, since the inhabitants speak the same language, follow the same faith, and have a common interest. ...also not true...the boundries are POLITICAL...unless you mean a river as forming one part. There are all sorts of languages spoken in Britain...and in America...and there are many faiths practised...define what you mean by "common interest"...take your time. The only reason, they prefer, geographical subdivisions is, the advantages they can extract, are those of economics, taxation, judicial, local governing body, legislation and education. ...they are political not geographic...the border of California is not determined by any geographical anything...the border of Missouri is...by a river that happened to be there. But, in some other countries, where the inhabitants happen to come from various ethnicities, and added to that, differing religious affiliations, the Federation is practiced under a totally different emblem. ...it is not an "emblem". Stop writing as if it doesn't matter to YOU whether anyone understands you or not. I barely speak Spanish...I feel confident ordering a beer...I do NOT feel the same way about discussing Mexican politics. Iraq falls under this latter category of nations. Iraq is composed of at least, four variant ethnicities: (a) the Arabs; (b) the Kurds; (c) the Assyrians; (d) The Turkomen. ..America has even more...no modern nation would dream of separating ethnic groups according to ethnic lines..or religious...what they ALL want first is a period of melting pots. Ethnic variations only recently were seen as a good thing in America...and that's because a common identity as AMERICANS first and foremost was established in generations past...the people of Iraq must break through to an IRAQI identity first and foremost...then they can have their "Little Italy" and Germantown etc. There are some other ethnicities, but they do not conform to the canapé ...do you KNOW what a canape IS? It's a little wet cracker with some indefinite thing shmeared on it, served with watered down drinks at awful cocktail parties...what you probably wanted to say was "canopy"...am I making a "fool" of you or are YOU? of indigenous population of Iraq. These nationalities are the Armenians, the Persians, and Greeks. ...okay. Iraq also has a perplexed embodiment of ecclesiastic power. ...Ivan Ivan Ivan...there has GOT to be a way to untangle your tongue! This power divides the Arabs into two branches, with the Shi'a being in the majority, followed by the Sunni. ...there are no Arabs in Iraq...there are Iraqis...Arabs are born in Saudi Arabia. These are basic things you should know by now. On the other hand, the Assyrians, trying to outdo their millennia-old neighbors, the Arabs, have managed to subdivide themselves into various denominations, with each one vying for their own identity. ...ah Ivan, NOW you're on to something. Assyrians gave over their identity when they gave over their god. Would you call a Christian a Jew? Why not? Assyrians BECAME a set of squabbling Christian sects...while the majority became Muslims...strictly speaking and especially if you're going to trace your lineage...or linkage if you prefer, back to those old hairy days...you should stick by the definitions of "etnicity" or peoplehood of THOSE days and not more modern times...an Assyrian...just as a Jew, is, strictly speaking...one who still follows their old god... Needless to state, that the Kurds have diligently outsmarted all the other sectors of Iraq inhabitants. Sunni, Shi'a, atheist, or Christian, a Kurd is predominantly a Kurd first, and ecclesiastic or an ideologue, second. ...just as needless to say they only managed this because America backed them up and loosened all civil power in Iraq as well as the military...Saddam NEVER allowed the Kurds to get anywhere near to doing this...he also kept the dominant Shiia out of power...both of these are in power now, thanks to the United States...as it was Britain and her oily allies who cost us the Millet System when they declared their unilateral war for the SAME oil they're back there killing us all over again for. OUTCOME: The new Constitution is recommending - at press time - an Iraqi Federation of two separate entities: (a) The Kurdish Regional Government, and, (b) the Central Government, to be led as an Arab State. The Kurds, controlling, without the slightest of the challenges the five Provinces of the North, are directly set to declare independence in not a very far future. Obviously, it won't be long before the Shi'a decide to preclude and to present their nine southern Provinces as a Federal Region, only to be followed by the Sunni, who will have the lion's share of the rest of the country. ..how will a Sunni minority get a "lion's share" of anything? The Kurds will fight like the very devil to keep what they stole..this is something they've fighting for and dreaming about for over 100 years...who dared oppose them...you? ..Iraq will settle into civil war...with three major factions...Kurd, Shiia and Sunni...the United States will arm them all...and accept payments in oil from all of them...neat trick no? The Christians will duck and cover...just as they have always had to do...this came as a surprise to you? There goes the sovereignty of Iraq. ...I think "sovereignty" is another challenge for you. Iraq's sovereignty ended the day the United States broke all United Nations laws and precedent to decalre a pre-emptive war against a country that hadn't done a thing to it and that was accepting every demand on it for weapon's inspections...did you only just notice? A nation with tripartite combination of ethnic and religious divisions destined to cohabit together as a, weaved carpet of joy and success. ...you have quite a raunchy side to you when you get going. Tell me again...WHO was cohabiting in success and joy on WHICH rug? Yugoslavia, with the same phenomena, lasted more than seven decades, due to its Absolute Monarchy first, and then, an autocratic regime, before its inhabitants went on a rampage of mayhem and massacre against each other, upon the collapse of dictatorship in favor of democracy. Would a Democratic Iraq fare better? Would a Democratic Iraq's tenure of a unified land outlast the former? ...that depends on lots of things... DEMOCRACY, ITS PROS AND CONS: Just the word democracy, by itself, sounds angelic. Literally, and actually it is, since it is merely a belief that renders solace to the multitudes, rather than adorning all the tastes. ...it does not cater to multitudes...it caters to a simple majority in almost all cases and to two-thirds of the majority in a few other more "complex" instances...the rest can go begging. In open societies, democracy never garners more than 55% of the vote, and if at that, a cause célèbre for denying, and sometimes, merely enthralling the voices of the other half of their brethren. ..that is not a "cause celebre" either...and 45% is not "half" of 100%. The French Revolution crystallized the American Declaration of Independence into a single word, Liberty. Then Equality, and finally, Fraternity were added to the famous adage. Fraternity implies self-control. ..no it doesn't. It means brotherhood...like the Aryan Brotherhood...or the KKK...it has nothing to do with self-control. It is of the essence of successful democracy, the highest but the most difficult of all modes of government, since it demands most of the average citizen. ...yes, that's true. But setting a foreign western Christian coalition of nations to attacking Iraq in the vain hope that they will GIVE anything to anybody...and thereby making the small minority of Christians IN Iraq the patsies and targets for legitimate Muslim fury and revenge was not...a wise thing to do? Just how is fraternity perceived for a non-Moslem, to enjoy the fruits of democracy of non-secular dogmatic Islamic Iraq? From its inception, the war, with bloody outcome, its costly adventurism, both in human life and economically, its insatiable appetite to forge a free society of Iraq, has gone astray. ..it never had any such desire..I mean to forge a free whatever in Iraq...come on now...let's not compound our foolishness. Surely, there would be democracy imposed by the majority, but what about the minority rights? By all definitions, a democracy, even a theocratic one, is preferable to autocracy, but since that dogma is anathema to the culture, faith, wishes and desires of the non-Moslem indigenous minority of Iraq, it thus becomes a stark reminder that a rose is not a rose at all the times, anywhere, and for all the people. ...keep it simple...if the majority of the country is Muslim..and Shiia at that...the LAST thing you want is a democracy...and if the alternative is a strongman who keeps the radical and extrememe elements OUT of power..as Saddam did...then that's the best possible outcome, right now, for the Christians...you'll recall that under Saddam Christian women were free...they listened to music wore what clothes they wanted, worked side by side with men...had free access to all education and job oportunities...of course it wasn't perfect...what is? Saddam didn't get rid of those rights...the United States did. ...Democracy in such a country, ESPECIALLY after a host of Christian nations went to Iraq to murder and steal...who will now get out once they have what they want..as they have done EVERY time...will be a DISASTER...as we tried to discuss and explore before...when no one wanted to listen to another side of the argument. RESOLUTION: The non-Moslem, namely the indigenous communities of ancient Assyria, must fervently, and without reservations, seek an Autonomous Region with demarcated borders. ...easy for you to say. The Christians IN Iraq will dare no such thing and I have no doubt don't WANT it! This is all YOUR game. All they need now is to be seen taking land out of Iraq, without firing a shot to earn it and only because they have the same guns and tanks of the SAME people, at their back, who murdered over 600,000 Iraqi children...no thank you. Why not just paint a bullseye on each of them and THEN put them in an area surrounded by pissed as hell Muslims? This is an absolute must, since it is tantamount to an international guarantee of their habitat in the future. ...absolutely no guarantee of anything except even more misery...if Iraq was guaranteed nothing...even after there were no WMDS..and if the "mission" could be changed and changed again...what security would a triangle have? ...you people have no authority whatsoever and no precedent at your backs to support such a move...no one GAVE the Kurds anything...they didn't take the north by appealing to anyone...they just TOOK it! And that's how these things are done...demand till you turn blue in the face...you think this is something new? You people have been wailing for a return of land since I can remember...and to whom do you make this appeal? Has Britain or the United States EVER given anything back to anyone? be off with you. The malaise in pursuing such an agenda is in the weakness of Assyria in economics, population, military and political know-how. The causes for this ill-fated state of Assyria are numerous, but systematic massacres, emigration, discrimination and even incrimination ...no such thing. The United States has killed more Christians than were EVER killed in Simele...yet not a ONE of you mentions it! What happened to your "outrage" over your murdered people? It seems you hate the MURDERER far more than you care for the murdered...but only if the Murderer is MUSLIM...as you only weep for a Christian killed by a Muslim...this should lead a man of your exquisite sensibillity to deduce that the whole point is NOT the Christians killed...but WHO does the killing. ...Tariq Azziz...Dr Donny George and my own father, as well as countless Christians, thrived and did very well for thermselves in Iraq and elsewhere in Muslim countries...what are you talking about? are but a few of the ramifications of a milestone rejection of rightful citizenship due to external policies of the victors of World War I, namely Great Britain, when it abolished the Assyria Millat System in favor of an Arab State by the name of Iraq, thus rendering the whole nation of Assyria as homeless in its own home. ...and you people fought on the side of the people attacking your homes that time as well. Hence, it is empirical for the communities of Assyria in the 42 countries of the world to assimilate their strength into a global network of operations, by binding themselves into the Government of Assyria. ...give it a rest. They will do no such thing...as much as you all despise Arabization you LOVE Westernization...stay there and keep your cottonpicking fingers OFF of BetNahrain. This Government ...jeeez! invites all the communities, including those of Iraq, to partake in its functions, to be duly conducted on international suffrage, locally first, then, regionally, nationally, and finally internationally. ...JUST what the Muslims of Iraq have to hear their Christians are doing...joining YOUR ditzy "government"...have you ever looked up the word "sedition"? Do you know that in ANY country it is cause for criminal prosecution and in time of war for SUMMARY EXECUTION? The platform of operations has been written, published and presented to certain communities, including the Assyrian American National Federation (AANF), under The Charter of Interim Committee for the Government of Assyria (ICGA). ...lots of things have been "written"...even Aprim has "written". CONCLUSION: There is no other choice for Assyria, but to follow through with this Charter, study it, and commence its implementations in all corners of communities of Assyria of the world. ...the only choice is the one the Christians who have chosen to remain in Iraq all these years made..which is to remain IRAQI first and foremost! All discussion, amendments and assessments are to be considered upon functioning on the platform prescribed to initiate the movement ...go to the edge of your platform...take a deep breath...and jump! --------------------- |
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