Wellfed Alkhas Thorws His Wad... |
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- Tuesday, March 29 2005, 16:18:27 (CEST) from - dsl-201-137-225-104.prod-infinitum.com.mx ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
...across the Tigris... Wellfed, like Jassim, has this thing for big words strung together. You can see the both of them standing back to admire at a safe distance the expolosive force of a lot of letters forming a freight train of muddledheaded thoughts they figure will plow right over anything anyway...so what difference does it make in which direction... Every once in a while Wellfed or Jassim deliver themselves of some ponderous and weighty pile of nothing...like this one...it`s the equivalent of , "Mommy...Look at ME"! Policy of Truth Posted By: WILSON BENJAMIN <weldenterprises@msn.com> (dialup- Date: Tuesday, 29 March 2005, at 1:39 a.m. Policy of Truth by Wilfred Bet-Alkhas,zinda magazine The deconstruction of the Assyrian identity in the last three years has relaxed the binding force of Assyrian nationalism, a supreme ideal for which many were inspired to lay down their lives when necessary. ...Jesus! What an uncomfortable mouthful to start off with. I`m not sure he understands the concept of "deconstruction"..or much of anything else. Who took the "Assyrian" identity apart...down to it`s basic structure...who stripped it of inessentials? Actually, I`m the only one I know of who`s tried to do that..and I found nothing there but a scared choir boy covering his beehind. And I`d think again before ever using the phrase, "...relaxed the binding force", when refering to people so full of shit as these Christian wannabes...it gives you an unintended and far too accurate image of what came out of these people the last few years. ...Metamucil Nayshun! The creation of a new identity, namely ChaldoAssyrian or Chaldo-Assyrian, ...Is a hyphen really cause for a separate identity? was to bring the members of the Assyrian Church of the East and the Chaldean Catholic Church in Iraq closer in their ambition to obtain greater political and cultural rights in the post-Saddam Hussein era. The results of the January 30th election signified a different outcome. ...and just what are two churches doing trying to get political rights? And what culture are you speaking of...A Catholic culture versus a Nestorian Heresy culture? Where is the "Assyrian" culture in either of those? On 30 January 2005 clearly, "Chaldeans" were not interested in the advancement of an "Assyrian" or "Chaldo-Assyrian" political force in the new Iraq. In San Diego, California, the controversial Bishop Mar Sarhad Jammo did not even vote. ...so what`s it to you? A nation of busybodies...is that "Assyria"? Secretary General of the Assyrian Democratic Movement, Mr. Yonadam Kanna, was the only Christian who entered the interim Iraqi National Assembly without depending on the Kurdish or Shi'ai munificence. ...did you have to use a twenty dollar word EVERY time? What do you mean their "munificence"? In the days before the election, his friends in the Chaldean National Congress abandoned him and their other Chaldo-Assyrian political colleagues and joined a different election ticket. ...If you are all self-serving, though you trumpet a different tune..what strikes you as so odd when other`s do the same? You are ALL scoundrels...that`s your problem. You enter the game of politics and democracy and party and faction really expecting people to believe you do so as saints and martyrs. Go back to church where this identity of yours got it`s unholy life in the first place..your "truth" is such an obvious lie...YOU, an Assyrian? Only two weeks after the announcement of the general elections in Iraq, Bishop Jammo once again began expressing his ideals of a "Chaldean" identity in a time when unity and common understanding were essential for healing the wounds of a defeated people. ...says you. Obviously you are a "wounded" heal who lacks understanding. From what I`ve seen of them the Chaldeans know their ass from a hole in the ground...something you keep getting wrong with disasterous results for your Life..sexual and otherwise. Why they would EVER have wanted to tie their fortunes to such a miserable bunch of crybabies I can`t imagine...they, as the Americans, used you for what they needed and then flushed. Stop being so damn "available" to every hand that comes your way and you may not have cause to wail every five years or so. The troubling question remains: "Do Chaldeans have the same political aspirations as their Assyrian counterparts? "Western" Assyrians, often referred to Suryoyo, Syriac, or even Jacobite, proved their mutual political ambitions by accepting the term "Assyrian" as a shared political identity at the October 2003 Baghdad Conference. ...and they would have gotten no further had the Chaldeans remained joined at the hip. While you all sing and whistle and blow all the time about being CHRISTIANS..who speak the language of CHRIST (never mind Ashurbanipal) and how special this makes you..when it comes to making your political and cultural demands..you never once mention Christ..like no one else in the MidEast notices or should remember. You are of the party and religion of those who are MURDERING Iraq..remember? The same group you were crying to come save your asses from the "depredations" of Saddam. Well..they CAME and they killed hundreds of thousands...thousands of Christian kids too...and then you PRAYED they`d stay till the job "was done". What JOB??? And now do you NOT like being Christians? Is it a liability all of a sudden? Why don`t you come out NOW and demand justice and due rewards for yourselves as CHRISTIANS! Go ahead..please...ask for "what we deserve"!!! Since then, individuals such as myself, resorted to inoculating a feeling of belonging to this newly constructed identity in order to empower the Christians of Iraq. ...Wellfed, Wellfed...Wellfed. You must be a constant disappointment to those school teachers whose arses you polished, mistaking them for apples all those years. To "inoculate" means to make immune by way of injecting a vaccine.....if you inoculate a "feeling of belonging", it means you have made them IMMUNE to having that feeling. I think you wanted to say "inculcate"...you look it up...you could use the practise. ...you cannot "empower" Christians in Iraq. That is absurd. This is hardly the time to come demanding power...you who begged for this war...are you insane? People remember what you said...that SURELY America will stand by her Littlest Christian ALLIES...do you see that word...ALLIES! Do you know what it means? YOU called down the airstrikes and sanctions against the country...don`t you remember it like it was only yesterday..because it WAS only yesterday!!! You think because it serves your purpose now, your "political and cultural" purpose to overlook that little truth..that other``s should too? The Christians of Iraq remain powerless and the Chaldeans of Baghdad, Detroit, and San Diego hardly care for a collective political power in Iraq - unless it can empower their beloved Church and improve its ties with the Vatican. ...and you all live for YOUR friggin Christianity...your version of a Jew story...of COURSE you will remain powerless. You think a Muslim in America is going to win CHRISTIAN support for a run for Congress...so he can EMPOWER Muslims in America? Are you CRAZY? The simple truth is that most Chaldeans do not have a desire to witness the formation of an administrative or autonomous region for Christians in Iraq. ...of course not. They are far more realistic than your looney tunes. Just look at the difference in the "media" the Chaldeans and have and your silly rag. There is a REAL newspaper..no, there is more than one, in Detroit whose staff have REAL opinions and points of view....compare the commentary and format and articles in those and any ONE in your silly assed "zine". That should answer you. Chaldeans are not going to tie their fortunes to such a bunch of nit wits. It was degrading for them to tolerate you this long. Neither do they desire possible breakdown of economic alliance with their Kurdish or Arab countrymen. But Chaldo-Assyrians do. These are the Assyrians who confess to a Roman Catholic theology and an Assyrian national identity. Some Chaldeans, under the leadership of Bishop Jammo, are fashioning a new political identity, and the remaining majority simply subscribe to an Iraqi-Christian identity under the supreme authority of their Church and Patriarch. ...and once again, they will advance their cause..and you will be even more retarded. To achieve national homogeneity one must not dilute the existing construction by introducing a new element, unless a solemn and comprehensive acceptance of this new composite identity can be quickly and effectively achieved. Both Zinda Magazine and the Assyrian Democratic Movement failed in their attempt to congeal this new identity in time for the elections in January. The policy of "Numbers over Names" failed and the political aspirations of the Syriac-speaking Christians in Iraq remain voiceless. ...as they always will be. There is a NATIONAL identity in Iraq..as there is in America. If you reject that...then what part of the nation do you expect to gain? You STILL see yourselves as a little Assyria that deserves its own something..Chaldeans see themselves as Iraqis first..as Italian Americans see themselves as Americans first...since that is indeed what they ARE, it gives them a solid base in reality so they can proceed to party and picnic and eat as Italians...free from any taint of wanting to remove Little Italy from the rest of the United States. ...you Christians are always touting your Americanism..how you LOVE America and how you`re so happy and pleased and proud to be a part of America...so much so that you`ll go back and kill your relatives for America...what`s the difference between your fanatic Americanism and the Chaldeans identifying with Iraq..when they lived there? There remain less than ten months before the real elections for the Iraqi National Assembly or Parliament. The permanent constitution of Iraq will also be drafted in the next few months. Is there adequate time to elevate the composite identity of "Chaldo-Assyrian" without jeopardizing thousands of "Assyrian" votes in North America and Europe which could bring greater representation in the parliament? Will Chaldeans abandon an Iraqi-Christian identity for a politically-charged Chaldo-Assyrian one before the year-end? ...They won`t even make an issue of the Christian part of that identity..they are Iraqis FIRST and FOREMOST..which you still disdain, tying your ass to a tin can religion...it is almost as if being Christian was of minor importance to Chaldeans WHEN DEALING IN POLITICS and the advancement of their group..whereas with you it is EVERYTHING...because it IS everything..it`s the entire basis of your "Assyrianism"..without it you HAVE nothing..but the Chaldeans do..they have a history of being able to co-exist with Muslims in Iraq..to thrive and get ahead. How come you never hear them wail about all the women that Kurds "kidnapped"? Because it NEVER happened...as it didn`t with you people...I`ve seen Chaldean women and they are every bit as beautiful and desirbale as your own...but you people will NOT accept a woman when she chooses to marry for love and runs off with a Kurd or other Muslim, because she KNOWS what to expect...and you turn around and say she was abducted naked...because THAT truth even you can`t abide! History shows the contrary to be true. ...your grasp of history is slippery. The year 6755 may indeed be the Year of the Policy of Truth and historical integrity. "Think Assyrian" could be replaced with "Think Assyria" and the ultimate aspiration of our people be directed toward a tangible purpose and not an erratic belief. ...RIGHT! Demanding the American CHRISTIANS seize a part of Iraq to give to a religious minority is a "tangible purpose"!!! What differentiates a Chaldean from a Chaldo-Assyrian or Assyrian is the former's lack of desire for the profound realization of an autonomous territory where the indigenous people of Mesopotamia can exercise their political, cultural, and religious rights apart from the watchful eyes of a non-Syriac speaking ethnicity. ...what a silly horse`s ass you are. And you wonder why Chaldeans back peddled like crazy away from your "ideal". What differentiates you people is that you are nuts..that you get off on fairy tales the same way you do on big words..just the SOUND gets you wet all over. For an Assyrian in Iran or Chaldo-Assyrian in Mosul the road to salvation ends in Nineveh, whereas the basis for the collective identity of a Chaldean faithful is her Church and the Patriarchal See in Baghdad. ...bullshit. They measure success as their standing in the REAL world...and they know from experience that if they don`t rant their religion and stick it in everybody`s face..as you evangelicals do, they can thrive and certainly survive in Iraq...with all the harsdhips they faced...whereas you see only your religion...which you think to hide from sight by dressing it in "Assyrian" rags and tin foil. Even your choice of the word "salvation" smacks of exactly what your problem is. In the next few weeks let us examine the crucial steps that will lead to a victory in the political arenas of a free Iraq. ...Let`s NOT and say we did. What will be the immediate and long-term consequences of following a Policy of Truth? Are we ready for transforming our political ambitions toward a "Think Assyria" creed? Tough questions that require tough answers. ...oh grow up! A good place to begin a thorough self-examination is the following excerpt from Dr. Peter Talia's book, "Between Hope & Hopelessness" -a personal favorite - which Zinda Magazine ran back in May 2000. In the next few issues other articles from contemporary authors and intellectual observers will shed light on various opinions on the matters discussed earlier and will hopefully heal our injured spirit: ...I see a lot of religious cant coming our way...It`s odd that in order to "look ahead", the best Wellfed has to offer is a book that failed to move anyone five years ago...and this will do what now...? ..that`s enough bullshit at one sitting...we`ll tackle this "Reverend" later... --------------------- |
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