Wm The Dm Offers His Neck...Again. |
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- Monday, May 30 2005, 4:47:09 (CEST) from - dsl-201-138-229-7.prod-infinitum.com.mx ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
Re: Note on the modern assyrians by Prof. Dr. Ross Posted By: wm warda ( Date: Sunday, 29 May 2005, at 12:17 p.m. In Response To: Note on the modern assyrians by Prof. Dr. Ross (Interesting to read) Dr. ross has expressed his opinions but has provided no evidence to prove them true. He has mixed some truth with half truths and has come up with false conclusions. ...sounds like what you all do. YOU prove you´re "Assyrian"...goon (that´s "go on" mushed together...I decided to match you for "noone"), goon and try it. The fact that Assyrians speak the Aramaic language does not make them Arameans. ...then why does it make them "Assyrian" when they DON´T speak an "Assyrian" language? If you´re all so fired up because you claim speaking the ORIGINAL language proooves something..then how come NOT believing in the ORIGINAL god means NOTHING? Aramaic was spoken later by nations other than Arameans such as the Assyrians, Jews, Palestinians, Egyptians, Ethiopians and even Christians of India just as Latin based languages are spoken by nations other than Romans. ..it would seem then that speaking the language is no proof of any "Assyrian" descent. He writes they [Assyrians] have been persecuted but claims it was because those of Turkey and Iraq cooperated with the British (1920-1932) "and simply for not fitting in, religiously and linguistically, to modern nationalist identities." What does the last part of the sentence mean? ...never mind the last part...what about the first part? Were Assyrians persecuted because they spoke the Aramaic language, and their religion and nationality did not fit "the modern nationalist identities.?" What is the modern nationalist identity? ..it is one in which a nation comes together and does not seek to divide into camps...America is a Christian country..Iraq is a Muslim country..in both countries religious minorities have to live with the fact that they ARE minorities...Muslims in Christian lands face certain problems as Christians in Muslim lands face their´s...most of us deal with it gracefully...but a few of you boys have decided you can claim a portion of the land that belongs to ALL Iraqis, with some half-baked twaddle about how YOU are the original owners of the land...because you are CHRISTIAN! ..."Christians" of Turkey were NOT persecuted...not in all the centuries they lived in Ottoman lands WITHOUT the attacks of European Christians...naturally enough when that began...Christians within the empire were viewed with suspicion..as ALL American Muslims are now...it shouldn´t be so hard to understand that...if anything the Turks were attacked and MURDERED for having oil...by the most powerful Christian nations of that day...how come that injustice never figures in your mythology? Is it O.K. for a Pakistani and his descnedant who live in England for 200 years to be considered as English [anglo-Saxon] but if Assyrians have lived for thousands of Years in the homeland of the Assryians can not be considered Assyrians? ...They can be considered English because that´s the RECOGNIZED name of the country now...however, neither your Pakistani nor any native born Brit could write "Albion" on any document and expect it to be honored. You have no evidence, not a shred, to back these claims...which you´d think would convince a normal person that no one will take you seriously...since no matter how many of yourselves you get killed..or how miserable and pathetic you get...no one does a damn thing about it...and they wouldn´t anyway even you could PROVE anything. ..give me ONE instance where this kind of proooves resulted in any sovereign nation giving anything "back" to anyone..just ONE! The entire world and Iraq too could recognize all you want them too..and they will STILL not return a damn thing and neither would ANY country today or at any time in history do such a thing..and neither would they find it strange not to..in fact and in truth, if a nation decided to DO such a thing..they´d get called on it immediately by all other nations for the terrible precedent it would set when all other nutso minorities decided to ramp up their own demands for "reparatrions" and the return of "stolen" land..get real! ...The nation known in ancient history as Assyria is long gone. You can pine and whine for it all you want to...as can any number of people who are "shocked" to see new gas stations on old corners..but that´s the way of the world...you know damn well you´ll never get anywhere with this, except where you really want to go..which is to get as many of our Muslims killed as possible while taking out all "traitor" Christians too...who refuse to play your assinine games..like Chaldeans for instance, who have done rather well as Iraqis..while all the time maintaining a Chaldean identity as well. ..You were always free to live in Iraq as Iraqis...as many Christians are still trying to do...only what you want is a Christian enclave and the only way you think you have a legitimate claim to one is to dither on about how you are ORIGINAL Assyrians and can PROOOOVE it by showing your CROSS!!! I mean, REALLY! Assyrians were persecuted at every century before the British arrival in the Middle East, long before (1920-1932) because they were Christians. Their greatest massacre during the 20th century was between (1914-1918) ...not true at all. There was always tension as there is bound to be with people who EACH lay claim to having the ONE true god and live side by side..even when they all say it´s the same god. There was added tension in Turkey because in all of history they were the ONLY ones to try to allow all three religions to live side by side while granting the two minority religions the opportunity to rule themselves in all religious and many secular matters..that has NEVER been tried anywhere else...wherever there was a majority of Christians they killed all Muslims and Jews and then turned on each other...under those circumstances it isn´t hard to claim you have no "bias"...because you KILLED all who were not like you..the Turks did not do that... ...but there were NO massacres that come even close to what CHRISTIANS did to OTHER Christians round the world...nothing at all comes close...THOSE were massacres. These are lies..all of them...as we can see today when not a ONE of you laments any dead Christian who gets that way due to an American bullet or bomb...you only manage to "feel sad" when a Christian is killed by a Muslim....the common denominator in your "grief" is NOT dead Christians..it is WHO KILLED THEM!!! You want revenge for Jesus and for what you think are your frustrations in Life...laying the blame on Islam when it is YOU who can´t talk straight...the vast majority of Christians lived and did just fine until the really big attacks..the Crusades of the Modern Era...starting with Napoleon´s unwarranted attack against Egypt..right through the first great oil-grab during the First World War and so on until today...for nearly 100 years Christianity has acted as if it had a RIGHT and a mandate from god to attack whomever and whenever they pleased...yet these manifest crimes are never mentioned by you or bother you...all you can come up with is the amazing notion, which flies in the face of all history and psychology and human behavior..that Muslims under attack by foreign Christians should not feel they have ANYTHINg to fear from Christian co-religionists in their own lands..even when those Christians make no secret of their longing to be "saved" in order to expand their practise and evangelizing of Christianity..the same religion of those coming to kill their NEIGHBORS and neighbor´s families! THAT´S how fucking stupid and out of it you are! Assyrians as Levies helped the British to save the liberated Iraq from being divided and destroyed by the internal and external forces at that time. ..oh give it a REST! In that case the Iraqi Army "helped" send the Christians of Simele to their god sooner...wasn´t that nice of them? According to Ross that is why they were rewarded by being massacred. If not for their help there would not have been an Iraq to speak of. ...more bullshit. The British put Feisal there..they MADE the country and divided it from Kuwait where their rule was easier to impose. The Levies of that day willingly made themselves British patsies and paid mercenaries in a country that had opened its borders and ALLOWED them to gain refuge when you all ran from Iran..had the Iraqis wanted to see you destroyed all they had to do was close their borders and let you all starve to death..or be hunted down...what a lying thing you are. It was betrayal and treachery pure and simple and a portion of them paid the price...and why NOT women and children..who do you think succumbed first when Sanctions were imposed on Iraq...SADDAM? There was also an Iraqi national Army which cooperated with the British between 1920-1933) but they innitially were not well trained to keep Iraq secure without the Assyrian help. Why were not they massacred? ..they did not "cooperate" willingly...they merely manuevered until it became clear what British intentions were...do you know of anyone who gets fooled by the British REGULARLY??? Hint hint??? But, when they came to their senses, they fought..and THAT´S when the Brits put you Christians in shorts and gave you guns to go kill the very people who TOOK YOU IN! This is only one of the many reasons the people have for despising you..but they don´t despise ALL of you...just those who ran out and for good reason. Sir Percy Cox the British administrator of Iraq [between October 1920- March1922) in praising the Assyrian Levies role in protecting Iraqi’s borders wrote: “In justice to the Assyrians it must be added that during the first three months of this year (1922) when a Turkish attacks was always a possibility, they proved their strategic value on the Iraq frontier.....It is far from improbable that this instant response on the part of a people whose qualities of as fighting men are renowned was the main reason which induced the Kamalists (Turks) to abandon their projected attack.” ...WHO was "atacking " whom? Have you heard of the First World War? Iraq was a part of the Ottoman Empire..like Hawaii is a part of the American Empire...you mean to tell me if another nation attacks America for the oil in Texas and takes Hawaii too...America will let it go? really? (Sargon Odisho, “The Assyrian National Question at the United Nations”, self published, Modesto California 1987, p.105) ...self-PRINTED...can you people NEVER learn the uses of language among civilized folk? You think because you are "polite" that you aren´t CRUDE? The British official report about Administration of Iraq from October 1910 to March 1922, written by the British High Commissioner describes the Assyrian contribution to the security of Iraq as follows: ..it was not the "security of Iraq" they were contributing to..it was the ATTACK on Iraq and the security of BRITISH interests they were working for..in order to make sure it came out as the attackers wished. “The Iraq army which was still in its infancy... could not have guarded the dangerous frontiers of Iraq against the strong Turkish incursions. ..they were not "incursions"...they were an attempt to regain territory lost in a war...the same thing the Brits and Americans have done and would do anytime..but now that the oil fields were to benefit the British...rather than those who´d owned them for 400 years...naturally the Brits would see it as an "attack". These are word games, nothing more. In justice to the Assyrians it must be added that during the first three months of this year when the Turkish attack was always a possibility, they proved their strategic value on the Iraq frontier. In March over 2,000 enlisted in the levies within three weeks. ..probably because they too had no other job options...how popular do you suppose Christians were in Iraq after the Christian War and Christian treachery? Many, many Assyrians..men far wiser than you and the rest of the boys, warned of exactly what would happen and that the boys of that day were being USED..which, you´d think, coming so soon after we were "betrayed" at Versailles and by the SAME British...would have sent a strong warning...but boys will ever be boys. It is far from improbable that this instantaneous response on the part of a people whose qualities as fighting men are renowned was the main reason which induced the Kemalists to abandon their projected attack. Led by British officers, they (assyrians) are a native force second to none. Their quickness in picking up discipline, and their mettle in battle has surprised and delighted all who have been concerned with them.”(British betrayal chap XI) ...what a piece of crap! No wonder it´s so damn easy to lead you all into brick walls and over cliffs...you´re so damn NEEDY for approbation as "Assyrians" that you can be easily flattered..and the Brits, having learned how to play on such simple minds, had no trouble stroking your balls to the point you were GLAD to go risk the life and security of every other Christian in Iraq...so that after Simele you could say, in all seriousness..."why did they pick on US"? The High Commissioner stated that it was the Assyrian forces (Sir A. Wilson, MESOPOTAMIA, p. 291), and they who (as the C. O. in the field, Colonel Cameron, declares) rolled back the Turkish invasion of' Iraq in 1922-23, at a time when the Iraqi troops were utterly unfit to take the field themselves.î ...you´ll just about believe anything if you´ll believe five out of work Jew fishermen from 2000 years ago. Dr. Ross either has no knowledge of these facts or he want to ignore them. The rest of his claims also suffer from similar ignorance. ..as do all of your´s and all OVER the place. It´s just that, preaching to the choir, as you all do and fiercely protected by your surrogate mothers..the moderator-mommies...AND staying close to home base and her apron strings...you feel perfectly "smart" and right too! A person who does not know, does not know that he doesn't. That is why an ignorant reader will believe what an ignorant writer's claims. ..which is the reason I know you´re writing crap...but it´s Christian crap so you think it don´t stink. Now you know the rest of the story. ...sure..and from another expert and hysterian who has every intention of being neutral and only stating "facts". You´re too ridiculous. --------------------- |
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