Like I said, "They ALL Read Here".... |
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- Saturday, March 3 2012, 15:13:02 (UTC) from *** - *** - ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
...I just finished pointing out how over at Maggie's no one has ever presented any program or means by which they can attain their stated, though silly, "goals" took this fellow a few days to cobble this thing together...where before nothing even remotely like it had appeared for months.... The Solution Posted By: nenus younan (doozoota) <> Date: Friday, 2 March 2012, at 3:54 a.m. To every problem there is a solution. If there is no solution then its no longer a problem. It becomes an accepted fact and those exposed to this fact must learn to loive with it. ...there seems to be no solution to the problem of your stupidity and the stupidity of your belief that you are any kind of, then there's no "problem", right? But we will soon have a solution to this problem of's called the plain, unvarnished historical truth, derived by valid and reliable historians recognized by the world as experts in their field, and not mechanics, accountants, engineers and taxi-drivers. There must be a solution to a national problem such as ours. don;t have a national no definition of the word "nation" do you have a SECTARIAN problem...a religious "problem" posing as a nationality. The last few years have been the years of blaming, pointing fingers, its everyone's fault but not mine. While we are preoccupied with blaming our enemies are getting stronger to the point that they are daring to declare our homeland as theirs and naming it kurdistan, meaning the land of the kurds. Europeans "dared" to make the land of the Native Americans theirs...will YOU give back the land your house in on to the rightful owners from whom it was stolen? I thought not. Our political parties are at a loss as they realize that if they take the correct direction and fight against this crime against a nation, they will most likely be killed and no one will ask why. As it has happened as they have killed many who dared to stand against this crime against the Assyrian Nation. ...they were killed because they engaged in SEDITION, not "national rights"...and in, time of war it becomes would be the case in ANY country on earth if a minority starts making the kinds of noises you are making...except that you are careful to be elsewhere than Iraq when you make these illegal and criminal demands...but not the Qurds...they face all the same risks you claim you would IF you stayed in Iraq...but you didn;t. You ran out calling over your shoulder as you ran, that you were owed a homeland, while the Qurds stayed and FOUGHT and even died, by the hundreds of thousands...but then again, George Washington did the same thing when he sailed to Cuba, from Virginia, because it was "too dangerous" to remain in the Colonies while "fighting" for his AMERICA. You're right, that's JUST how America won its war: by moving to CANADA and demanding AMERICA! Our nation (All of us) have taken the position "Hey, you, our politcal parties, we want you to fight to return ASSYRIA to its existance in its HOMELAND, while we have done nothing in the last decade to create the backup our politicians will need if they are threatened. ...and what "back-up" would YOU provide them, in Iraq, when you can't have a conversation in America, unless you are protected and coddled by your site administartors? If you have any doubts about your program, come over to us and we'll blow holes through it and you and save the Qurds the trouble. What we fail to realize is that they can kill one or two or even ten persons, but they cannot kill a NATION in its entirety. ...they have never even attempted such a thing...the Arabs SAVED your ass from being killed by your fellow-Christians, or forcibly converted...see, your problem is that you think sane people think like you, that they also don;t read anything but the bible and Aprim. As if the killing escalates it becomes a GENOCIDE, and those who were subjected to GENOSITES and HOLAUCAUSTS cannot dare but to stand against a new GENOCIDE, even if the genocide is carried our by their friends (Friends of Israel and USA). ...calm down. As much as you would like to see enough Christians in Iraq killed to qualify as "genocide", it will never'll have to find another "strategy" for getting a Christian never fooled the Iraqis and you will never fool the Americans either because they read OTHER BOOKS! Therefor it is time that all those Assyrians who are against this crime aginst our nation must unite and create an active force to take the first step in creating the National will and power and that is "TO AWAKEN EACH AND EVERY ASSYRIAN THAT HE/SHE MUST PARTICIPATE in the fight for JUSTICE, to fight against the greatest crime of our time, being "THE THEFT OF A NATION'S HOMELAND" and oppressing it to either accept or perish. ...have you any idea how many times one of you has issued this CALL...and all in capital letters too? is this your idea of "action" this how you think the Qurds earned their writing in BIG LETTERS? What greater crime is there? This crime can be quantified monetarily as thousands of trillions of dollars. what is the punishment for stealing a million in any civilized country? WHAT must the punishment for stealing thousand of trillions of dollars. ...and just who are YOU going to punish? I slap you around regularly, I "rob" you of your pissant "national identity" ten times a day...and what have you done about it? Soon we're going to post the real story of how you were invented by Euros on Wikipedia in place of that ridiculous "history" of you think you'll be able to stop that...will this be a battle you will win? I think not...and you're going to "punish" anybody? They are raping our nation, as this crime is against our nation and against the honour of each of the 4 million ASYRIANS scattered around the world. What is the punishment of rape in any civilized country? What must the punishment be for RAPING A NATION?. ...what is the punishment for sedition...for treason? You people have been PROsecuted for breaking Native Americans were when they tried to " get back what is ours" were never PERsecuted. In this world of ours, the so called civilized claim that they protect human rights. They protect animal rights. What about National Rights of a NATION, a nation that created and almost died in the process of protecting the civilization. A nation that is alive and the world has advanced due to the knowledge its forefathers left behind. The truth hurts, the law of the uncivilized prevails. "MIGHT IS RIGHT". ...if they could trample on Iraq's sovereignty, attack a country that had done nothing to them..and continue murdering innocent civilians for decades, trampling their rights AND children underfoot, what makes you think no one can do these same things to you? Had you protested against the rape of Iraq you MIGHT have some standing when condemning what you claim is the rape of your "nation"...but you didn' fact you nationalists were THRILLED at the prospect of Iraqis being murdered in the thousands, the more the merrier, in this "trampling and rape of a nation" again you shot yourselves in the foot...if one nation can be raped, why not another one? What must we do to move beyond survival and begin living. This question must be answered not by one person, but by the majority of those who come together and find the way and means. ...yes but they DON'T come together...that was the great gift Jesus brought to split you among warring sects...and now you want them all to commit heresy by joining the OTHER sect? In an uncivilized world where the survival of the fittest and might is right, a nation must create its national power. The power that will not stop at anything to regain what is rightfully theirs. ...yes but you people don;t even START...except every age or so one of you spits out just this kind of drivel....see, with this "call to unity" you simply provided more ammunition for me to shoot you down with, that's and I know you won;t go anywhere to defend THIS writing of yours, so the idea that you will do anything to defend "our nation" against Qurd, or anyone else, is mere poppycock...YOU just proved it, not me.....while I, on the famous other hand, who said right out front that showing YOU up as frauds, all of you, is my goal, have just STRUCK another blow on the way to achieving my aims...but you, you haven't achieved ANYTHING, except to get your nose bloodied yet continuously LOSE...and make it possible for me to continuously proof of that, I am still standing and willing to engage, face to face..something you will NEVER do, and yet it is the core of this "call to arms" of see how you are your own worst enemies? They cannot kill a nation, an that is why they have spent hundreds of millions to separate us from each other and put us against each other. one thinks of you as a "nation" one. And no one has any NEED of "splitting" you did it to YOURSELVES...first when you abandoned your national god, so-called....and next by taking on a Jewish religion...and then centuries later allowing yourselves to be torn asunder from your COE by a bewildering number of sects and their missionaries...that was plenty...that was enough...and you have been divided and at each others throats since then...YOU did one did it to you. That is why they have strengthened the political parties financially and directed them to keep our nation nationally and culturally illiterate and feeling hopeless. one has kept you "illiterate" in one has stopped you from teaching your language to your children or building great museums, hospitals and are free in the West to go anything assyrian you want...but you have done fact your children in the West are forgetting their language and you haven't been able to inspire them not to...while in Iraq, surrounded by Arabs, our people ALL speak the language and read it and write it is not Arabs who have made you forget and is the Christian West!!! I dont know about you, my friend the Assyrian, my brother the Assyrian, my sisters the Assyrians. But I for one feel guilty that my nation is in such disarray. I feel that I had so much opportunity to do so much more yet I failed to use the opportunity but to do little and as long as it was a bit more than most i fooled myself to believe I had done enough. ...come on. You don;t feel guilty at all..what you're trying to do is make OTHERS feel guilty. You actually think you are quite the "activist"...because you write these SILLY harrangues every once in a while..and the only reason you wrote this one is because you read my comments about how you people have never "worked" at attaining your goals...and you just proved me right by planting this bit of "action" on Maggie's site This makes me a reson that my nation is in such sad situation. I am guilty and I take all the blame and if it will stop the blaming and finger poiting and bring together the able and true believers I am even willing to accept execution for my part in the crime of not doing enough and not doing to the maximum of my capacity. ...give it a won't face Iraq IN gonna go to the block in CANADA? BUT, if you were to forgive me, a confessed criminal against his nation, a crime that most would deny it being a crime, then I ask that you blame yourself and we will all forgive each other and unite to create the larges work force who will stop at nothing to achieve an honourable life for the Assyrian Nation. ...and that's it. This is your "work" for your "nayshun"...THIS? You pathetic humbug! You can't pluck honor from your arse-end. In the past experience where we failed none of us proclaimed nationalist gave the nation a promise. A promise to stop at nothing to achieve the aforesaid goal. ...sure you have. It's been nothing BUT promises, which are mere's a whole bunch MORE from you!!! If you believe and wish to be one of the force and know of others who you can deliever the message kindly send me an email, as I have volunteered to be the data bank for the project. Once the number reaches a 1000, a meeting of the 1000 will be called and there the work will begin. ...right> What a refreshing come no else never thought of getting 2000 of you together before...or fifty? MY EMAIL is look forward to receive an email from all those who are not just talk, but are true Assyrians... ...and would you kindly post the number of those who do...and post their responses? --------------------- |
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