Re: besides which... |
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- Friday, October 30 2015, 19:50:38 (UTC) from *** - *** ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
Marcello wrote: >"...even if Jews DID control banking, or media, or what? Why is that presented as bad thing, ipsi pipsi. Now that Christians actually control everything, are we happy with how they do it? What would be worse if Jews controlled everything?" > > Jews can control all they wish. I grew up with Jews from liberal progressive families, whose grandparents came from Russia or Eastern Europe and were staunch socialists dedicated to labor issues, as in the 8-hour work day, collective bargaining, end to child labor, Women's Rights. They were humanists and passionately anti-Fascist... and many of them were anti-Zionist, for they saw Zionism and Fascism as two sides of the same coin. > > So, when right wing Zionist Jews have control, as they do where I live,'re being everywhere else, it's the Christians who have the control and who are glad to place the blame elsewhere and present themselves as the "friends" and defenders of the Jews...they are not. And Jews know that FOR A FACT! public universities like UCLA start limiting, attacking and demonizing the free speech of Muslim and Arab students along with anyone, including other Jews, who are vocal about Israeli policies that spit in the face of international law. ...did public universities, run by Christians, never limit free speech? Did they never call in the police to gas and beat students...did they never call the National Guard to shoot and kill students? Is it only Zionists who do these things...or are they particularly reprehensible only when Jews or Zionists do them? ..American Christians students had that same contempt for US policies which spit in the face of people and do they fare when they go against a Christian establishment? ...and what was the entire Fascist movement but the right wing of the Catholic Church...what about all that mayhem, all that "control of everything" all around the world to the tune of tens of millions killed and so much destruction? Christians get away with it all just as human beans without ANY mention of their religion, of their "Christianess". The boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) are a legal, non-violent means of protest. But Dianne Feinstein's wealthy defense contractor husband has his own fascistic means to send a message to young boys and girls who have a conscience: > >"One of the most dangerous threats to campus free speech has been emerging at the highest levels of the University of California system, the sprawling collection of 10 campuses that includes UCLA and UC Berkeley. The university’s governing Board of Regents, with the support of University President Janet Napolitano and egged on by the state’s legislature, has been attempting to adopt new speech codes that — in the name of combating “anti-Semitism” — would formally ban various forms of Israel criticism and anti-Israel activism. couldn't even criticize Bush on a college or high school campus without serious consequences...why is that any different? > >Under the most stringent such regulations, students found to be in violation of these codes would face suspension or expulsion. In July, it appeared that the Regents were poised to enact the most extreme version, but decided instead to push the decision off until September, when they instead would adopt non-binding guidelines to define “hate speech” and “intolerance.” ...that is an easy fight to win, if anyone wants to fight it...let it be as illegal to slander Muslims as it will be to slander Jews, and then we'll see. ...besides, all these policies against criticizing Jews are a is an easy thing to make into law because of the bullshit about how we LOVE the Jews...we don't love the Jews...we USE Israel as a conduit for billions and soon trillions into the pockets of US warmongers, and our warmongers don't want their business messed with...condemnation of Israeli actions as immoral or unfriendly or, save us from our hypocrisy, ANTI-SEMITISM, from the same nation that despised Jews and still does and would not even save a handful when it could, is nothing more than pro-warmonger-profits propaganda. ..of course Israeli actions are illegal and immoral, as was its "creation"...the UN had no right to give other peoples' lands to yet another people, based on that stupid book, of all things...but all these crimes, from the creation to the state of Israel as well as the persecutions before and Israeli actions since can be laid directly at the foot of Christians. ...take any people, of any religion and subject them for 1000 years to Christian persecution, and then sell them weapons and tell them they must "secure" themselves and then "give" them land surrounded by what will surely become their enemies...and then abuse the people and nations surrounding them, and let all the world know that YOU are their (Israel's) best friend...and see what options those people will be left with. Just creating the state of Israel was enough...had Israelis never done more than that, it would have been enough to inflame the Muslim world, and they would have been right because that was a declaration of not just war against Muslims, but a hoped-for genocide...for people being targeted just because they were of the Muslim religion...I wonder where Euro Jews could have gotten THAT idea from?...though I still believe it was not their idea but OURS. > >One of the Regents most vocally advocating for the most stringent version of the speech code is Richard Blum, the multi-millionaire defense contractor who is married to Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California. At a Regents meeting last week, reported the Los Angeles Times, Blum expressly threatened that Feinstein would publicly denounce the university if it failed to adopt far more stringent standards than the ones it appeared to be considering, and specifically demanded they be binding and contain punishments for students found to be in violation." ...of course he doesn't want his business to suffer...all of this profiteering is hiding behind our new-won "love" of Jews...we're supposedly so in love with them we can't stand for anyone to hurt their feelings....come on, that is ridiculous! ...people who chop down forests don't like tree-huggers...and if they could demonize them they would, and almost did...."they" are still trying to gut the EPA and get around all laws that will let them grow their are our warmongers...but they have the added plus of using our guilt against us...of letting us know we must atone for not saving Jews when they needed by now "defending" them no matter what! Monsanto would love to make it a crime to criticize their destruction of the environment...or Volkswagon to make it a crime to return their cars to them...any businessman would love to control his market to the point that no one could say boo...just buy and buy and buy. ...Christians have created what they think is a safe space around any criticism of their chief client for was a coup, but a Christian coup. As good businessmen many Zionists see this as an opportunity to get rich, no matter how their country and people that so different from what any Christian businessman wants? --------------------- |
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