In Reply to: Response From Marzillier posted by parhad on September 11, 2001 at 09:47:04:
: After extensive discussions, the college administration, Dr. Ross, and I
: have come to agreement to go along with your request, and we have scheduled
: the forum to be from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on the evening of Monday, September
: 24, 2001 in Monarch Hall on our campus. We have also dropped the idea of
: having a history professor introduce. Monarch Hall is our large auditorium
: with a stage. I have requested that a table and chairs be set up on the
: stage with microphones, with a Valley College tablecoth draping the table.
: As agreed, I will moderate. I propose that you and Dr. Ross make opening
: statements of 10 minutes each, followed by responses to each other's opening
: statements of 5 minutes each. After that, members of the audience will be
: invited to ask questions or make statements, and after each question or
: statement, you and Dr. Ross will be permitted to respond for 2 minutes each.
>>>Knowing our people I'd say the potential for a "statement" turning into a Manifesto, then into a Monolith are pretty good. Should we skip statements in favor of brief and pointed questions only?
: In conclusion, I propose that you and Dr. Ross make closing statements of 5
: minutes each. How does this sound to you?
: We will advertise this event on campus, but we do not expect a large
: particpation from our students or staff at that hour. The reason we
: designated 6 p.m. as the starting time is so that interested students with 7
: p.m. classes could attend at least a part of it. I have requested that 350
: chairs be set up in the auditorium, unless you anticipate a larger turnout?
: We thought that we would bill the event as: "A Forum on the Assyrians"
>>>That proposed title seems a little pale and weak to me...especially as it was yelled out in bold red letters that ASSYRIANS KILLED MORE JEWS THAN fact, I think that would be an excellent title for the debate, that ought to bring them running.
: list our three names as the presenters. Dr. Ross and I would be, of course,
: identified as Valley College Professors. How would you like yourself to be
: identified on the flyer advertising the event?
>>>Oh brother what a lot of possibilities THAT opens up! Any suggestions as to how I should be billed??? Awww, come ON!
: I think that about covers everything. We await your response.
: Sincerely,
: Leon Marzillier
>>>>Well, what do WE say? Does that about answer everything? I await your input. I'll proceed without it of course, but put your oar in and help steer this ship if you can.