I was called into work Saturday the project's deadline was fast approaching and they needed "all hands on deck".
The company I work for has it offices located on Melbourne's St. Kilda Rd business district. Coincidently, opposite our very building is the Melbourne American Consulate.
I watched, on Satruday, from the balcony as Australians passed by the entire day laying flowers on the front garden of the U.S. consulate.
Come this morning it looks as though a hill of flowers has covered the entire front lawn.
The funny thing about this Consulate is that it does not have an American marine guard stationed on its premises.
The Australian Federal police have agreed to handle the security of this consulate, unlike the one in Sydney. I guess the Americans think that Ausralia, and in particular Melbourne, are one of the safest, most remote and friendliest places on earth, and this one consulate would not require the levels of security displayed in other parts of the world.
I kept asking myself the same questions all day.
Why is this American Consulate the only one in the world that does not require an armed U.S. marine guard?
Why didn't the "terrorists" stay in and bomb Canada, but crossed the border and slipped into the U.S. instead?
Why did innocent Iraqi children and innocent American citizens have to die in order for us to pay 20 cents less per litre?
Had the U.S. people known that their actions in the gulf war would have led to this tragedy would they have supported George Bush Sr. in his desire to "save" Kuwait?
Would the same people of New York have put on such a triumphant ticker tape parade for returning U.S. soldiers after the Gulf War?
Will we find ourselves questioning our blind support for George Bush Jr. in ten years time when the next terrorist attack is mcuh much worse?
So many questions but is anyone really intersted in the answers?