loser how old are you? You must be too young. The perpetrators were none but arab muslims, and do you think they are robots of the Israeli conspiracy? How about the big constant massacres of the pan- muslim regimes against the innocent Assyrians, were that too? knowing that Israel was not on the map as we know it today. Go and read about islam. Islam divides the world to its believers into to sectors: World of islam, and world of war, and as their man mohmed constructed their hypnotized followers to fight, kill, and destroy those that belong to the world of the war, and Assyrians, Israelis, and Americans are part of that section. Know how their man mohmed died inflicted by the wound fighting the Roman soldiers. Know how he slaughtered his uncles and cousins in the city of kaba right after he signed a truce with them. ... and today look at the map, remember where ever you find a conflict internally, or externally you will realize the muslims are major part of it seeking an independence. Their man mohmed instructed them as duty of islam to call on jihad "one of the 5 pillars of islam." Finally remember beyond all whom died in the world trade center the jews were the most among them. Simply because they are business oriented people.
May God bless the Assyrians, and the American victims where ever they are to be found.
God bless America!!!!!!!!!!!!!