In Reply to: News INC. posted by parhad on September 26, 2001 at 09:55:46:
I enjoyed our little get together. You are the Main Man. I bet John and AUA have been informed already by their instruments at the meeting about our people accomplishment.
Dude, how about having a couple columns in a local paper(lets say the Los Angeles Times) about the lack of educators/eduaction in the Valley College.
What do you say?
: Now we can see the danger in what the ACLU and other civil liberties organizations warned us about when Corporations started buying up newspapers and other media outlets. You can see it at it's most "innocent" when magazines owned by a film company, give "reviews" of their movies, or advertise them in the guise of "news" about them.
: Now corporations with an interest in WAR business can run story after story and photos to tear your heart out, as news...when its mainly a promotion for their products. At a time when we desperately need news that's free of commercial taint, when we have dummies par excellance at aina and elsewhere falling into lockstep...we get out and out bias parading as news, even more dangerously than it has in the past.
: No photographers at the Gulf War...and now it wont matter that much if they are around.