He is like the guy you meet in the bar, always drunk, and say what comes up on his mind, he will tell you his safe combination number, or he will say "I am going to start a Crusade on Sand Negroes...." in front of Sand Negroes.
To me this is much better than John Macain, the senator from Arizona, with his all American fake smile, he will put up a friendly face carved of wax, and gently tell you that he cares about A-rab, while he is thinking "should I drop the Napalm on them, or do the Cluster bombs hurt more ?"
But even Bush they teach him to lie, and be politically correct. So when he talks to Jalal Talbani on the phone, he let his Dick Cheeny do the talking, using his voice telling Jalal "Oh ! I love your Goat smell, it only complements your fine Kurdish mind, and by the way did you do some "freedom fighting" for me today, with your fine Bashmerga Mojahideen against your bad brothers the Iraqis ? Come on Jalal ! The Northern Alliance Afghani are becoming more efficient than you, I hope we do not have to down size you as we did with the Talban terrorist"
So I like to listen to Bush when HE talks, with his own mouth, as this page quote from his real speeches, please click on (Click For Next Chapter) to see more of his speeches, and pictures.
Have fun