Some thoughts

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Posted by El Jefe ( on October 06, 2001 at 01:36:50:

After reading your posts since the 11th, I have come to this conclusion:

People, especially in America, will always be as foolish and mindless as they are today, and it's only going to get worse. The media in this country brainwashes its citizens... it makes them feel unique, smart even. Just yesterday someone was trying to teach me about the history of the A-rab countries in the middle east, saying that each country had such and such percent of Christians, Muslims, etc. He had undoubtedly heard it on the news, or read it in the paper, and thought that he knew more than I did... pretty interesting. I do not condone anything; of course the bombing was horrible. It took me days just to realize exactly what had happened, and believe it. I digress, here's a little lyric or two for you.

In a perfect world,
There would be no wars
There would be no bombings, no planes crashing, no artificial manmade destruction
Everyone would be free to speak, free to live, free to do and be
"We" would speak out against injustice…but we don't now… just look at Iraq or Afghanistan or China or Israel
People of one faith wouldn't kill people of another faith
Greed would not exist - and it's all driven by greed
We wouldn't be enslaving people from around the world so that we can save a few cents on tennis shoes, clothes, or gas
Poverty wouldn't exist - we could feed the world with the food produced in this country alone
We wouldn't have to pollute the environment because of our mass-consumption - enough solar energy falls on the Earth in 1 day that could power the entire world for a month

In a perfect world,
Desperate souls whose countries have been raped and who were raised to blame one entity for their misery, the rapist of their country, murderer and plunderer of their families, friends, and land wouldn't go to desperate measures to make a point
That it's better to die than to live in a land controlled by a foreign power whose people are so greedy and who don't value human life enough to question the status quo

That's what I learned from you… among other things.

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