Peter Bugaboo and his black aina

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Posted by Junglest of Them All from ? ( on Wednesday, March 20, 2002 at 9:52AM :

Peter reserves his real anger for "agents" and those who don't post under their "real name". Now you have to wonder at someone that blind to his own peckerdillos. Here's a guy who changed his name...who disliked the sound of it so much he thought to change something it said about just changing the name...he is still the same sort of dummy who would think like that...the new name didn't make a new Peter out of him.

The fellow in the post below asked a which Peter replied with his real Jassim self...then he apologized later when Dr. BetBasoo got the better of Mr. Jassim...or the other way around?....

Please forgive my severe tone, but we are constantly being incited by operatives and agents of our enemies, and this is a typical tactic. They post anonymously, and are transparent in their "divide and conquer" methods. You fit the profile.

A note to others: post under your real name(How about getting through Life with YOUR real name?), there is nothing to fear if you are sincere and honest. This is an open forum for all Assyrians and non-Assyrians.

As far as I am concerned, I am automatically suspicious of anonymous posters.

++++Who has been more divisive than ourselves? Why do any agents or enemies have a single friggin thing to fear from us? What "nation"? We can't even manage a community...and not in any city do we have less than 289 "organizations" who exist because they can't co-exist. What are these people TALKING about? All you have to do to "undo" us, is stand back...give us a warm spot to roost in a Christian nation...and we'll tear each other to shreds all by need of any agents at all.

++++I think it's Peter's way of saying he is valuable...that he represents something, or has something, that "somebody" wants...that "some agent" fears will grow and grow and take over the Assyrian Godzilla.

++++For Chrissakes he has to give his damn writings away... can't manage to walk ten feet without tripping over his own. Who is so inept as to be afraid of PETER! Does it fool us just because he acts like someone fears us/him or is impressed enough by him/us to send lurking agents and leering operatives... to do what?

Even a person suffering from paranoia and a horrendous and well earned sense of inferiority has to make SOME sense.

-- Junglest of Them All
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