Sadam Hosayn

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Posted by Gandhi from ( on Thursday, March 21, 2002 at 3:03AM :

Sadam or Taregh which one will go fisrt? its impossible they go together because each of them is owend by a different War lord ,I mean western war lords . Sadam is on the falcon side but Taregh is on Bear side , latley there are rumers that their time is up , actually was up long time ago but they are still there , you know why?
that was a conversation between my nieghber and I when he picked me from the Airport ,
I was out of country when 9-11 happened , security was very tide So my wife stayed home and asked my good friendly nieghber who served all his life in Agency to pick me from AirPort which it was a piece of cake for him ,he picked me right at the gate then into his car , while passing me his flask said I been waiting for the brain of the nieghberhood to show up ! where Do you think BinLaden is Hiding ? Do you know there is a price on him ? and since you are a good bounty Hunter , let's go and claim the price
After his flask went down the hatch (Assyrian style)told him it's very hard I can't get him , he is hidding along with cheney in white house's basement! then we both started ha ha ha ha and we went to more ha ha ha ha ...when I told him the media will show his boots(American made) and claim that's all has been remained from him ,just like the remains of Hitler's teeth , then some novel writers will write some scripts and we will be watghing it's B movies .
yes Gandhi may be you right , lets go back to those good cop and bad cop .
well dear nieghber the westeners was not expecting them to be so popular by their millitary and their nation so there is no way out ,they will retire on their positions so the only solution will be to terror them,
then what will happen to the westerners and their speechs , how they are going to tell the world that they are there to stop terrorism or destroying terorists!
I can't understand why Assyrians are so happy for ? No bad has been replaced by a good one yet , history has proved that , may this time british will call them our stupid alies then we will be beggeing to be called again our smalest alies with no merit.
now waite and see what shiea moslems will do to us after that idiot churh leader has invited the yazidie prince in their gatherings !
As I always have said we are fighting the biggest and strongest enemeis "OURSELVES"

-- Gandhi
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