Posted by panch from ? ( on Saturday, March 23, 2002 at 9:23AM :
In Reply to: On Liars and Lawyers posted by panch from ? ( on Saturday, March 23, 2002 at 9:12AM :
It strikes me now that the real purpose of the suit is to blacken me in San make me a "suspect" person...a "trouble maker" in the eyes of the Arts Committee here and accomplish pretty much what Nimrod did in Chicago. She too can broadly hint to the city that she is involved in a lawsuit against me...just like happened in Chicago...and aren't I really "bad news"...and leave it to them to wiggle out of placing the Shumirum in San Jose.
It would be the ultimate stake in her heart to see the Shumirum Monument come to San Jose...and come easily and quickly enough...without the benefit of what she has spent so much time convincing the clucks of San Jose only SHE can accomplish...she with all that "pull" and goodwill and all those "contacts". It amazes me that our people actually believe a politician "likes" them because they grease the extended palm. That's like believing the Hooker you paid was REALLY moaning in delight and can't get enough of SUCH a stud muffin as the shmuck has to go pay for it.
Jackie doesn't dare call the Arts people and say anything directly to them. By making it "hot" for me to stick around and presenting me as the bad character I am...she will get what she wants in the end...same thing Nimrod wanted...
-- panch
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