Jackster Chronicles

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Posted by pancho from ? ( on Monday, March 25, 2002 at 8:42AM :

When I was finally given the august opportunity to address the delgates at the Chicago convention, I refused to begin unless Nimrod was there so we could present both sides. They went to find him only to find that he'd locked himself in his room and wouldn't come out. I finally had to speak to them without him there. It makes me uncomfortable to do that because it sounds too much like one-sided propaganda. I'd go anywhere to meet anyone in debate...but don't like standing up and talking about a person without their being present and able to challenge me.

Same with the Jackster. It's been three weeks since I asked to join her Club. She said they would contact me by mail, although they never have stalled anyone before so eager are they for more members. She is scouring their by-laws to find some reason to keep me out. The best she's managed is that I am not a resident of the county or city. But still, the thing stinks so they haven't sent the letter telling me they don't want me because I don't live here.

You can bet her sweet arse that if ten Assyrians from Reno wanted to join, pay dues and attend functions once in a while she would not only welcome them...but tell everyone that she had the kind of club that attracted Assyrians from all over hell and back.

It would be simple enough to have my mother join us all as a family...unless she would become the only family member of Jackie's club who could not bring her grown children or grandchildren to their functions. It's silly I know...but the silliness is all with her. In her suit she claims that I have insulted her doodles by claiming she runs the place like it was her own personal club. Well?

Others there are confused and curious, interested to know what happened with the Shumirum and why I am dragging Jackie's ass all over the internet...why am I so "angry"? I have said I would be happy to come explain in person, to answer any questions, preferably with Jackie there to reply. No way. That's the last thing she wants. Hell she doesn't even want me on TV talking about anything. What we know about Democracy and Pluralism you could fit into a thimble. They are just words to us, a cover under which we can act like any Turk.

-- pancho
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