April 9, 1948: Deir Yasin Massacre Remembered

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Posted by Turkish Delight from ? ( on Wednesday, April 03, 2002 at 11:30AM :

April 9, 1948: Deir Yasin Massacre Remembered 54 years Later…And Now

In unequivocal Israeli terms, as it was then in 1948, and as it is today, April 2002, the Palestinians were not given their right to return to their homes. As a replacement for the exiled Palestinians, the doors to their homes were conveniently opened for Jews from all over the world to occupy, as well as to takeover Palestinian land, says Leila Diab.

Fifty-four years ago, two Jewish terrorist groups, the Stern Gang and the Haganah, plotted and attacked Deir Yasin, a Palestinian civilian village. Each of the leaders of these two terrorists gangs Izshak Shamir and Menachem Begin, ironically, were both elected to serve as the Prime Minister of Israel.

For Palestinians, April 9, 1948 will always be remembered as one of the most infamous days in the annals of Palestinian history. It was a day when Jewish terrorists, with Gestapo-like mentalities, brutally shot and butchered 256 women, men and children. These Jewish terrorists even went as far as killing the unborn babies in the dead and dying Palestinian women of Deir Yasin. News of the deliberate massacre of Palestinian civilians at Deir Yasin, spread fear and panic throughout many of the Palestinian cities and villages, especially among pregnant Palestinian women and young Palestinian children. And with these violent waves of fear and panic, the Palestinian inhabitants gathered their children, placed the keys to their homes around their necks, and fled for safety and protection. In unequivocal Israeli terms, as it was then in 1948, and as it is today, April 2002, the Palestinians were not given their right to return to their homes. As a replacement for the exiled Palestinians, the doors to their homes were conveniently opened for Jews from all over the world to occupy, as well as to takeover Palestinian land.

Today, under the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestinians, fear and panic is again being reenacted. Israeli defense forces once again are reoccupying Palestinian people and its land.

After 54 years of NO US Government intervention and NO implementations of UN Resolutions on the Question of Palestine, years of indecision have painted a dismal picture of immoral and unjust proportions for the Palestinians. Palestinians who have a legitimate cause to cry freedom. The Deir Yasin massacre has had a prolonged impact on the lives of millions of Palestinians.

The expulsion, displacement and disenfranchisement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians who are currently living in refugee camps in Lebanon, Syria and Jordan, is the result of years of indecision and years of immoral injustices. Ironically, a mental health hospital is built on the site of the Deir Yasin massacre.

The depopulation of Palestinian cities and villages in 1948, is a mere reflection of what is happening today in the 21st century in the occupied territories of Palestine.

Middle East Historians have documented the names of Jewish terrorists leaders who orchestrated the Deir Yasin massacre, as well as the name of Ariel Sharon, the former Israeli general who masterminded the 1982 Invasion of Lebanon, and the massacre of Palestinian refugees in the refugee camps of Sabra and Shatila. Sharon is currently the Prime Minister of Israel.

Years of no decision on the establishment of a Palestinian State, their right of return and the end to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories, is a situation that will never create an atmosphere of peace, for both Palestinians and Israelis.

The Deir Yasin massacre in 1948 was only the first wave of Israeli reign of terror against the Palestinian people that foretold crimes against humanity. A law student asked her professor, "Is it in Israel's best interest to make peace with the Palestinians?"

Her professor replied, " Yes it is. However, let me ask you a question. Is international law and all United Nations Resolutions on the Question of Palestine adhered to?" The law student retorted, "No. If that were the case, then there would be Middle East peace and an end to the 35 years of Israeli occupation. So what's the problem?" The law professor answered her student by saying, "The Truth, truth that is traversing the sea of justice… an ebbing sea of injustice."

Leila Diab is a Palestinian American, journalist, author and educator

-- Turkish Delight
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