her majesty ,Lady J.Bejan

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Posted by Gandhi from spider-tf081.proxy.aol.com ( on Tuesday, April 16, 2002 at 1:52AM :

I love and respect my friends and families for what they are , but outside that ring ,
I have to learn about the others and see if they have something to be respected for and my way of respecting its only if the person is educated so would you please write me what kind of educatios do you have ?
there were some rich Assyrians back home I never respected them , and I was right about it because after they took of and just saved their lives by coming to usa they became just comon labers or living of social helpers and so is here I have no respect for our youth the ones that haven't finish even the high school!
so please let me know what kind of educations do you have , because money in the hand of none educated people is just like a gun in the hand of a child or a blind who is seeking revege.

I lost some sleep when you wrote me about sending me a subpines so I had to tell my wife because I was afraid to wear my pant so she calmed me down and said weman like you are lucky enough to have one for themselves so would you please keep it for yourself because I heared you have a good and a gentle man as a husband and the way you are shooting shist he might leave you !then you realy will be coming after my old arse and refresh the bruises please don't I am a poor man , people my tell you differently but don't believe them see the house I am living in belongs to a very rich iranian i am just maitaining it so while he is visiting the states he could use it and naturally I drive his fancy cars just... you know for...batteries life and other mechanicalsss
Ashur bless you

-- Gandhi
-- signature .

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