Posted by pancho from ? ( on Tuesday, April 16, 2002 at 10:32AM :
He finally said it. Bush says that with the threat of an Iraqi oil boycott...he just HAS to get our permission to dril for oil on the North Slope in we can be FREE and GREAT!!! and he and his pals can get even richer.
And that, boys and girls, is what this whole Gulf War Set Up and sanctions have been all about. Starting with his Pappy Bush, also in the oil bidness, this one Mafia family has been gunning for oil...Iraq's and eveyone elses at "steep" discounts if they could get it, as long as they could...and finally, when that ran dry, trumping up the conditions in which they could appeal to our "Patriotism" and our need for cheap gas to run those cars this government refused to set higher efficiency standards for...hmmm.
Now comes the clincher. Is it any wonder that eventually Palestinians would get this desperate...or that an Iraqi stooge of a president would again play into the hands of his handlers? What MORE can Saddam do for us?
Now...if you oppose drilling for oil so these guys can make even more will be seen as "supporting" another kind of "Terrism"...the kind that, "seeks to strangle us at the pumps, mah dear Amurcans, as they FAILED to git us by the throat!!!" (loud cheers from dumb clucks driving SUV's) We will convince ourselves that ANY disruption of OUR way of life is really an act of "TERROR" aimed at the the very heart of what makes America GRAT!!!
And we deserve it.
-- pancho
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