About the AAS... tidbit you should read

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Posted by Jeff from bgp01107368bgs.wbrmfd01.mi.comcast.net ( on Wednesday, April 24, 2002 at 9:21PM :

I don't know the circumstances behind this, ... Fred, maybe you could shed a little light on this subject?? I really want to know what could cause a person to react so negatively to the AAS



"In response to last week's posting: "Let Me Think About It!":

The current Assyrian Aid Society management workers are one-sided, string-puppets with cliché phrasings and cheesy mottos, who worship the ground these certain priests walk on. They are infatuated and mesmerized by those wolves. They create a façade of truth and decency while they are plotting conspiracies against decent, honorable volunteers, who do nothing, but donate all there free time for over 9 years in the Los Angeles Chapter. When the Los Angeles community witnessed this great loss, they all swondered how would they donate money to a back-stabbing organization committee, which disregarded decent volunteers that wished nothing but the best for the Assyrian Aid Society.

Now, let me just say, I'll let you think about this:

How do you expect the Assyrian community to donate their money and their time to the Assyrian Aid Society committee, which rejected the volunteer's assistance? You tell me! I expected more from this organization, I deemed it should be a democratic organization and overcome the obstacles with these certain horrendous priests. However, they reverted to dictatorship. This was their policy: What is said must be done, no questions asked!

These religious radicals and most of all the ASSYRIAN AID SOCIETY CHAIRMAN will crucify any nationalistic person, who chooses to speak the truth instead of hiding behind a wall of lies and deception! These hypocritical people want to ask us for help?!?! A true nationalistic person never bows down to religious people. PERIOD! To me, these people are not nationalistic because if they were truly nationalistic they would never choose to suck up to these certain lying, no good priests. Let me say, nationalism does not mix with religion. I don't believe that the chairman of the Assyrian Aid Society comprehends the word "nationalism". Let me define to all of you. Nationalism has requirements; you must be a loving and strong person, who is not afraid of speaking the truth. Now you may think that nationalism, in my definition, means atheism; however, your comprehension is incorrect, you can be religious, but just don't go too far because religion is not a potent constituent of nationalism. The principles of nationalism are to believe strongly in your nation and love your nation and he/she should never deceive these principles. I deem those who are playing hopscotch with the word nationalism and religion are truly hypocrites, who choose to contradict themselves in order to please everyone. How can you expect, not only, me, but also, the Assyrian community to work for this corrupt system? How do you expect us to donate our time and money to this terrible system? The Assyrian Aid Society management was the only reason that allowed us to loose all our faith in it. For those of you who think I am against the Assyrian Aid Society: hence, the word "management". I am not against the Assyrian Aid Society, I am against the leaders behind it. The Assyrian Aid Society's true objective was to work and assist these needy people through thick and thin; however, this has all been tainted and changed. We need NATIONALISTIC people to run the AAS, not a bunch of charlatans."

Ashuriena Khasd

-- Jeff
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