Peter's Sister and Lulia

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Posted by pancho from ( on Saturday, February 23, 2002 at 6:07AM :

It's funny how everyone is concerned for Peter's sister. Peter was so concerned he told everyone he was leaving the offensive post up get at ME! Lulia is horrified that I mentioned his sister three weeks ago and so she brings it up tonite...just to get at ME!

It's a good thing more people aren't "defending" Peter's sister.

For the record, I didn't make fun of her. I have nothing against making fun of anyone. If I thought there was anything funny or terrible or shameful in what she had done...and it was relevant to anything, I would not have hesitated to mention it. Surely I've proven myself enough of a cad and unscrupulous as all get out so that I'd hardly be playing coy at this late date.

I was making fun of Peter for changing his last name...made no difference to me the reason for it. Let it be his sister or his brother or his pet rat or his car or his family history or whatever. It wasn't the reason for the change so much, as it was the change.

Though I have to say if it had been because of his sister's marriage to a Muslim who converted to Christianity...I would have thought it worthwhile to speculate on how he would have treated any offspring etc. I think our behavior in regard to other religions or ethnic minorities is critical to understanding where we go from here.

I can remember what it was like to be cornered and beat up by a pack of youths who'd had their minds poisoned for them by priests and mullahs and parents and teachers. If we Assyrians have felt the bitter lash of discrimination and suffered injustice at the hands of ignorant and racist can we forget, and in all good conscience turn around and do the same when we think we are justified, or just have the opportunity?

I hope no one else wants to "defend" Peter's sister any time soon.

-- pancho
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