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Posted by pancho from customer-148-233-93-150.uninet.net.mx ( on Wednesday, January 01, 2003 at 2:18PM :

Andreas´post of the article about this dismal Christmas shopping season reminds me of the comment made by H. Rap Brown during the Vietnam War...that if we rally wanted to stop that war, and maybe all wars this country brings about for profit...and avoid getting our heads cracked at demonstrations...or even interrupt our daily activities...all we´d have to do was boycott Christmas...make a point of spending LESS at Christmas than any other time of year.

The dirty little secret is that for most of the shopping year, stores are paying their expenses, barely...while counting heavily on Christmas profits to bring them cheer and solvency. If they knew that a few days of no shopping awaited them each year, at the time when they depend on profiting for the entire year...we´d have them clamoring for restraint...and anything else we wanted done.

To your average business, just as your average family, even a slight drop in revenue means disaster. Let all Repubs and Dems shop during Chistmas...but let 15% of us not shop. Take 15% from your personal budget...or from Macy´s and Microsoft´s and you can bring them to their knees...that shakey is this "shtrong" economy.

Without the cooked books and planted "expert advice" in newsmags owned by the same corporations whose top people eagerly scanned the papers the next day to see if there had been "growth" since yesterday´s news...meaning a spike in the Market based on hearsay and mumbo jumbo...without all of that there would have been no "miracle" economy. Watch.

-- pancho
-- signature .

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