Re: The Future of Iraq

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Posted by Gandhi from ( on Tuesday, January 07, 2003 at 0:35AM :

In Reply to: The Future of Iraq posted by Lilly from D006043.N1.Vanderbilt.Edu ( on Tuesday, December 24, 2002 at 1:50PM :

: : If Turkey has been promised these areas by the U.S. in return for use of Turkish air bases, it's going to happen.

: : I hope this report isn't true.

: xxx I think that's what the Turkish gov't will be asking for - their economy is shot, & they need the oil money to help them out. At the bargaining table, the Kurds will be no match for Turkey.

We all know , the USA could bring the Sadam Husien down to his knees within an hour or it could invade Iraq in less than hour , So what are all those games about?
The future of the Iraq its the future of the world . Even the oceans go back to their springs . In the bigning it was Assyria (Iraq or Uruk) and at the end it will be Assyria .

-- Gandhi
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