Posted by pancho from ( on Thursday, January 16, 2003 at 8:52PM :
This Ben fellow is having an exchange at beth...where has been all this time? Read and smile....
Dear Assyrian:
Criticism is one thing and sending a letter to the President of the United States urging him to get rid of these people and bring in some (unknown people) is sometning else.
It would have been O.K. for these organizations to write a letter or talked to Zowaa and described their concern. Writing to the President of the United States about our Internal matters shows to the entire world that Assyrians are a bunch of qualrelsome people who can not solve their own problems without apealing for help from the outside forces. Such tactics are destructive because they escalate conflicts.
He has already received two letters from the Chaldean church telling him that Chaldeans are not Assyrians therefore they should have their own representation now it is our organizations in Europe writing to the president to discredit Zowwaa even more.
-- pancho
-- signature .