Shawn, Baby!

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Posted by pancho from ( on Wednesday, January 22, 2003 at 9:52AM :

A little help here. I'm willing not go to the matresses on this thing, yet...not even from a foreign server, if you'll just assure me that your suit is gonna fly. Is it a legitimate one or were you just causing a little pain? If you did this just to "teach a lesson"'re going to be surprised at what you'll learn...though not really. You would never have done such a thing yourself, and never recommended anyone else do it, if not for the cash...ah yes, that great moral jackhammer. You don't lose...either way. That's because when we get down to get paid either way, and getting paid is winning...for you moral types.

You know the old Chinese proverb I'm sure..."She who rides tiger must be wary getting off". I'd say Jackie is going to have a real problem getting off from here on in...or out.

Is there some kind of reassurance you could give me that we really can get to a trial on this thing? Come on...respond and save Jackie a whole lot of embarrassment. Do I have to do more to clinch the case? Are you afraid I MIGHT do more and clinch the case?

I can't imagine Jackie ever wanting to actually get into court over these things...couldn't imagine my luck when she sued me...and added Jeff.

You guys got me worried...maybe you were bluffing all along.

-- pancho
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