Some tidbits from a smart woman...

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Posted by Jeff from ( on Saturday, February 22, 2003 at 6:47PM :

"There is a great space in the Assyrian community for women: for them to be modest, conformist, and successful in the health sciences where their work is at a safe and hygienic distance from the family - there is no controversy with being a pharmacist. There is a definite mold, and we're told to follow it...bigtime...but they don't realize how suffocating these molds can be. They weaken self esteem and confidence, I believe, simply because you know that anything outside the mold can't compete with the mold's status and value.


How would Ruth Bader Ginsburg survive in the Assyrian community? She would probably be spit on. How can I or other Assyrian girls be lawyers when there was a great social penalty in taking a minority opinion? When discussion quickly turns to personal attacks if you believe, for instance, that not all Muslims are bad?"


The answer is (in my opinion):
Well, before I give the answer, how about a disclaimer. Since I'm a male it's much easier to not be so "looked down" upon in the community. The double standard between the sexes is very significant, I admit this, but the answer is to confront those that criticize you to your face and ignore those who criticize you behind their back... because if they don't have the courage to talk to you directly they aren't worth your time, or spit.

-- Jeff
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