Re: Supreme Court Rules for Anti-Abortion Groups

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Posted by pancho from ( on Wednesday, February 26, 2003 at 1:30PM :

In Reply to: Supreme Court Rules for Anti-Abortion Groups posted by Jeff from ( on Wednesday, February 26, 2003 at 10:41AM :

Frightened people and nations who can´t deal with their real problems, or situations that call into doubt their versions of Voodoo religions they thought would handle all issues, all revert to God and even MORE God in the end...bring back God and all problems will be solved. They won´t be...they´ll just be more able to identify those of us who will now become "Agents of Satan"...and you know what they do to them.

Americans are becomming afraid of Freedom...they want certainty, guarantees, they want things set in concrete, not because it will make for a better society but just so they´ll have new "laws" that will tell them what HAS to be right...and what they can jail and kill you for, because you´ll be going against not simple civil law...but GODLY LAW!.

That way madness lies waiting...and to these people real Freedom is the most insane and threatening thing of all...remember, they were raised with a wrathful, vengeful, jealous as a god of "love", whose first act of love was to demand the murder of his own sweet and unoffending son...what kinds of laws and rules would you expect from people who worshipped this murder as an act of Love done for their they can fornicate and commit whoredoms and starve Itaqi children to death...and STILL get into heaven.

Where´s the surprise?

-- pancho
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