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Posted by Iraqi Panch from ( on Monday, April 07, 2003 at 7:43PM :

It´s gonna be interesting...the next time I cross into America. Will the Immigration people hesitate when scanning my passport...says right there I was born in Iraq.

And they´re shooting at protestors...rubber and wood bullets...for now. Reminds you of Israel.

Now we´re going to see if there are any Americans left...will the people tolerate this sort of thing...remember this is only the start of it. We have the numbers to take the country back...but will we...have we had enough?

I suspected this God thing from the start...back thirty years ago when the Praise Jesus people came out of hiding...I knew it was want to praise Jesus, go ahead...why praise him in my face?

It was a political move from the start...when hasn´t it been? It was the way to get you looking the other way as judges and lawyers and commissioners and politicians of dubious qualifications and shady intentions got put into office with everyone feeling all comfortable about it because they were "God Inspired"...they kept saying they were, over and over.

There are things in the works now, in think tanks and places, we have no idea of...things that will take form and ripen calculated step at a time.

How did we come to hate an entire People enough to starve and kill their children? And why? Because they have oil...and they aren´t willing to be rolled over by us...and they might not even want to sell to us, or only to us, on our there developed a "problem".

Trouble was the people were
peacefull...weren´t too mad at anybody...had no interest in Wars...and yet we had to get them to give us an openning somehow. So we wroked through Hollywood and the Media to create an image...and behind the scenes we laid the foundations for one fatal error after another...because we knew who we were dealing with...we´d put them there or wanted them kept there because the profiles we accumulated on them and the tests we ran told us they would behave as we needed them to when the time came. And they did...they fell into almost every trap we set for them...because we had to trap them, because before Congress can act...or the President can, the PEOPLE have to want them to go in a particular direction...and the People have to think it was their idea...and is only taken up by their leaders for the sake of protecting them and their families.

And the people came to want Iraqis they´ll want Iranians dead and anyone else we point them at.

Price of gas should drop soon...our "bonus".

-- Iraqi Panch
-- signature .

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