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Posted by D from ( on Monday, June 02, 2003 at 1:26AM :

In Reply to: Dear "D" posted by Jeff from ( on Monday, June 02, 2003 at 1:21AM :

All I am saying is, that if there was a more mature content on this forum, it could draw an intelligible crowd. There is a lot of potential here, but I believe this site is dedicated to fly-by posts and casual just-for-the-hell-of-it posting. It is simply a site where people can share views and ideas.
if I were to host a meeting for people to share ideas, what would be better?
To have people present mature and coherent arguments and discussions?
Or to have them insult each other and curse each other. As for the answer, it does not matter to me, and will reflect what you think this forum is capable of. If you want to walk into a brawl at a meeting, as opposed to a warm and accepting atmosphere, it is your choice. It is my choice not to post here, and everyone else's as well. I hope to see you at the convention,
I'll talk to you then.

-- D
-- signature .

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