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Posted by Alexander from ( on Monday, June 02, 2003 at 10:30PM :

Why is it that I had to explain that I was not being anti-semitic? Is it because I am? No, I am not anti-semitic. Then why?
Because the Hebrew stock has effectively and thoroughly ingrained into the minds of many people that they are constantly being persecuted. Simply going against their ideas provides grounds for being called anti-semitic.
But are they really that persecuted?
What about the holocaust and the implications that there was a deal between some western powers and Israel-to-be that they could use the holocaust as a tool by which to gain their own "independence", albeit, with all their "independently begotten ammunition and armor" given for free by the US and others.
When the Hebrews were burning the Assyrian church roughly around 7-800 years ago, were they being anti-semitic when they were burning the Assyrians alive still in the church? When they laughed at the Assyrians running into the church and fire raging within and kept saying "go and die for your god," while laughing and taunting them? Were they anti-humankind when they murdered civilians on a regular basis in occupied Palestine and still do?

-- Alexander
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