Posted by Esarhaddon from ( on Monday, June 30, 2003 at 10:07PM :
Impeach Bush!" Echoes Through Bush Fundraiser; A Message from Ramsey Clark on Letters to the Editor;
Each One, Reach One Campaign Takes Off
Dear VoteToImpeach Member,
In the last week, the movement to impeach George W. Bush has entered a new and exciting phase. The call for Bush's impeachment, which we have begun as a mass grassroots campaign, is increasingly the focus of commentary in the electronic and print media, on the Internet, and in swelling street demonstrations that have confronted George W. Bush as he engages in a whirlwind fundraising tour.
While George W. Bush was handed millions of dollars from his wealthy constituency at fundraising events this past week, the impeachment movement made its voice heard in the streets outside. On Friday, June 27, thousands of demonstrators, including anti-war activists and members of the campaign, confronted Bush on two separate occasions, in Los Angeles and San Francisco. The effectiveness of the demonstrators resonated far beyond Bush's ballrooms and was reported by media around the world.
"[D]emonstrators shouting for US President George W. Bush's impeachment gathered outside a hotel here where the president was helping raise $3.6 million for his re-election campaign. The protesters accused Bush of lying about the presence of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in Iraq, a central justification for the US-British invasion of Iraq in March," reads the Daily Telegraph and Melbourne Herald in Australia and many other news reports around the world.
The demonstrators' calls for impeachment were so loud and spirited that they could be heard throughout the hotel in Los Angeles while Bush conducted his $2,000 per plate fund-raiser. At the same time that Bush told a crowd of south California's elite that "I'm loosening up," the lobby of the Century Plaza Hotel ballroom was echoing with the chants of "Stop Bush!" "Bush Lied!" and "Where are the Weapons of Mass Destruction?" and "Impeach!"
Bush was also confronted by thousands of demonstrators in San Francisco where he held a fund-raising luncheon on Friday. The Associated Press reports, "Many protestors called for Bush's impeachment for what they called his misleading the nation into a war with Iraq."
On June 23, thousands of demonstrators gathered outside the Sheraton Hotel in midtown Manhattan for another bush fund-raiser. Associated Press reported that many demonstrators were collecting signatures on the petitions calling for Bush's impeachment. You can download petitions calling for impeachment by clicking here.
A Message From Ramsey Clark: Write a Letter to the Editor
To the VoteToImpeach Membership:
One of the few ways the issue of impeachment and faith in the Constitution can find their way into the corporate controlled media is through Letters to the Editor. Help the truth set the American people free and take back the Constitution. Write newspapers and periodicals, large and small, proclaiming the duty of those who care about truth and the Constitution to demand the impeachment of President Bush and his chosen few.
Bush and Co. have lied about weapons of mass destruction and the grave threat Iraq posed to the United States, have violated the Constitution, the Nuremberg Charter and Geneva Conventions by waging wars of aggression against Afghanistan, Iraq and threatening other nations, summarily executing and killing tens of thousands of people while leading a growing number, now over 200, young American men and women in the U.S. Armed Forces to death in their criminal war and occupation of Iraq. They have attacked the civil rights and civil liberties of the people of the United States in their efforts to tear apart the Bill of Rights and reverse decades of hard-won social justice accomplishments.
Let's let our friends, neighbors and communities know about the efforts to impeach George W. Bush, Richard B. Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and John Ashcroft, and how they can join this campaign.
Ramsey Clark
Send copies of your Letters to the Editor to your Congressperson, and send us a copy of your published letters either by e-mail at or by mail to VoteToImpeach c/o 1901 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Suite 607, Washington, DC 20006 - and be sure to let us know where your letter has been published! As space is available, we will republish letters on the VoteToImpeach site.
-- Esarhaddon
-- signature .
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