Turkey, the misunderstood country.....

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Posted by Alexander from ( on Tuesday, August 26, 2003 at 9:05PM :

Turkish coffee, impaling, Fezes, violence, Istanbul. This is what most people the world over think of when they thinkg of "Turkey." How I hate that "label." I should call Europe "Romanistan"(because it at one time was governed by Romans) and Spain "Mooreland." The name is misleading.
What do I think of when I think of Turkey?
Hmmm....grain fields, buildings in various cities, farming, donkeys being towed to market and back, cars zipping through roads, buses going over bumpy rural roads...
Its like Iraq. If you try to talk to an American about a play that was shown in Iraq, do you think he is going to think about the play?Or about Saddam Hussein.

-- Alexander
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