Convention Overview - Monday, 9/1/03

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Posted by Jeff from ( on Saturday, September 06, 2003 at 0:10AM :

I woke up at around 9 AM and went to have some breakfast. This meant that I had a full 3 hours of sleep in me. Before I go into my story, something ocurred this morning that I must share with you:

I have been told by several reliable sources that at 7:00 AM on Monday, September First, in the year 2003, the Assyrians declared that a state of "NEW ASSYRIA" was now in existence in Rosemont, Illinois. (Note: This was done in a similar fashion as the "State of Israel" being "simply declared" in Palestine). Apparently the capital building of this new state was at Denny's. The Assyrian contingent came in with a drum (tabbala) and had drumming...then singing...then dancing. I heard that not only were the waiters and waitresses involved, but the cooks, and even the non-Assyrian customers were singing and dancing, and that for a short while "Denny's" was renamed "Sargon's".

Anyway, back to my uneventful day... since it was raining the picnic was held indoors, and I had an overall miserable time at the picnic due to the venue...

One interesting conversation that I became involved in was a heated discussion about whether or not was a positive or negative influence.

One side argued that it was a positive influence because it put our leaders in the spotlight, and because political satire in any culture has always resulted in positive change.

The other side insisted that young Assyrians visited and most definitely were influenced by it, to the point where they would cause mischief as a direct result of viewing the site. Of course, I disagreed with that, but the other party was persistent.

I left the picnic for the airport and decided that this was the most fun weekend that I have had in a very long time...

Sorry for the let down, folks, but Monday was extremely uneventful.

-- Jeff
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