Re: Another Article

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Posted by farid from ( on Monday, September 22, 2003 at 1:45PM :

In Reply to: Another Article posted by Azhi from ( on Monday, September 22, 2003 at 9:40AM :

: I always have thought and said that the Kurds were assimilated (linguistically and religiously) Semitic people of their area (Assyrians call it Assyria, the Kurds call it Kurdistan). Now, there is scientific data supporting this. People at AINA are advocating the deportation of the Kurds and establishment of Assyria.

***The people at aina are disgruntled and devious Christians hiding behind an Assyrian identity...they´re also barely human.

A good comparison would be the case of Ireland: this would be like the 3% Irish who actually speak Irish wanting to deport the 97% who have been assimilated and speak English. I do realize that the religion of the Kurds and Assyrians are not the same, but we all agree that religion is a secondary factor.

***I´d say the two religions derive from Judaism and for all practical purposes are one and the same thing...or their differences aren´t worth spit...and certainly not all the blood that´s been let in their name for centuries now and still going strong.

: I just hope that people in AINA come to their senses and start finding ways to co-exist with their Kurdish neighbors (assimilated brothers and sisters?). But somehow I think that would not be the case,

***The ones at aina aren´t reperesentative of anything but the ones at aina. What we have to do, the Assyrians that is, is encourage the ones who were chased away by these assholes to come back...and among them and us you will find many, many Assyrians and all of the finer sort, who will agree with you completely.

I just picture them in their eighties, when they are toothless and on wheelchairs, shouting “we have to deport the 75 million (by that time) Kurds and reclaim Assyria”

***No need to wait, these guys were born old farts.

***Say, are you atypical for a Kurd and is there a Kurdish aina as backwards, uncivil, retrograde, degraded and as ´plain stoopid as the folks at aina?

-- farid
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