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Posted by Lilly from ? ( on Friday, May 17, 2002 at 7:12PM :

In Reply to: what? posted by Lilly from ? ( on Friday, May 17, 2002 at 3:08PM :

This happened at the end of my 1st semester of freshman year in undergrad. I would go to parties with my friends, & sometimes with a boy who asked me to go. I flirted a lot, dated a lot, danced a lot, & enjoyed myself. There was one boy at the parties who'd ask me to dance with him, & since he was an excellent swing dancer, I said yes. One evening, after we'd been dancing, he asked me if he could walk me home. I'd never had any trouble with boys before, & seeing that he was in church choir with me, I thought he was safe. He asked me if we could stop at his place to drink a little bit, he'd show me around, & then he'd drop me off at my place. I was pretty naive. He was very handsome, tall (6'3"), & he *seemed* nice, so I was flattered to have his attention. Anyway, we walked to his place, he made me a drink, he put on some music, & we started dancing again. My head started spinning, so I sat on the couch. He started pressuring me to have sex with him & took off my clothes & fondled me. I was intimidated by him. He was pretty strong (he could pick me up & toss me around when we danced - which is why I liked dancing with him - he was a great lead). I told him very clearly that I did not want to have sex with him & that I wanted to go home. He didn't listen to me, kept taking off more clothing & touching & kissing me. So, I started crying & telling him that I didn't feel well (which was true). When he had me completely stripped of my clothing, except my underwear, I threw up all over him. Served him right for not listening to me. He immediately stopped taking off my underwear. I was really, really sick at this point, puking everywhere & still crying. Imagine what he would have done if I hadn't thrown up on him? To his credit, he helped me back to my dorm room (probably because he didn't want to have to pick up any more throw up), & he left at least 10 voice mail messages on my phone, apologizing for not listening to me, & hoping that I was feeling better. That shows how guilty he felt for pushing me, that he knew he was misbehaving. I never responded back, & avoided him whenever I saw him. I found out later, through my girlfriends, that he had done this to many women on campus, that he was known to be a jerk among a small group of his victims, very pushy & forceful, using pills in drinks to get these women in bed. I didn't date anyone or go out much after that for the rest of my freshman year.

I will not go into the details of my date rape on a public board. That is another boy's fault, & it was a rape. Trust me on this. The details are too intimate for a public board. All I can say is that the date rape happened the summer after my freshman year of undergrad (when I was 18) in my home town with someone I thought that I knew well. I was very wrong.

-- Lilly
-- signature .

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