Posted by panch from ? ( on Sunday, May 19, 2002 at 9:13AM :
Don't fall for it again...don't buy the latest threat doodles...even if they let another one get through. It was a was a false lie. They've been manipulating and inflicting harm on these people for years in the hopes they would accomodate by retaliating. Now they come up with all sorts of plots and sub plots to get you all jumping out of your skin.
And this marriage welfare thing, where poor women are to be forced into marriage by the government...these creeps could care less about the sacredness of Life or marriage or much else. That's window dressing to catch the unwary. That's for Mr Mrs America to feel good get their attention away from the theft and swindles they are really interested in.
In Virginia a law was passed forbidding mining companies from dumping mountaintops into the valleys below. Streams have backed up and been diverted and floods have now become murderous...12 died recently in a pattern of flooding never seen there before. The Bush team is challenging this Law in court...and why shouldn't they, they got more money from the mining company than they did the citizens of Virginia. Except that ain't true either...they get ALL our money from ALL of's just a race to see who gets the keys to the Treasury and the right to appoint friendly judges and heads of commissions.
And all these threats of apartment strikes? Nothing short of manipulating the Market AND the people...someone is buying cheap.
-- panch
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