Posted by panch from ? ( on Monday, May 20, 2002 at 8:36AM :
...was leaked today. In July, 2001 questions were raised by an agent in Talahasee about a flight school called "Ahmad's 'One Way' Flight School". The agent said the literature he found there described the school as "first rate in hands on flying...landings and take-offs optional". Another point of concern was the intensive course in , "Banking and Diving". Students weren't required to know English, which made the agent suspicious as all air traffic is conducted in that language...instead a hand out came with each diploma. The following are examples of the stock phrases the school felt would be sufficient in case of emergencies only...
"Allah is Great!"
"Fuck you"
"Die Yankee", and
"Next Year In Mecca"
please advise.
We now know that agents were derelict in their duty and that these and other dots were on the wrong pages in different books in separate rooms at the Bush Ranch. Who could have known?
-- panch
-- signature .