A few things

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Posted by Jeff from bgp01107368bgs.wbrmfd01.mi.comcast.net ( on Saturday, June 15, 2002 at 6:29PM :

I was driving today and it started raining...and it was still VERY sunny out. It was surreal.


Anyway, so let me rant to all yall: I went to buy a turntable (you know, a "record player"... known to children of the 80s and 90s as 'oversized analog CD players')... anyway, I intended to buy this for my father, who has a nice, old record collection and no record player. So, I went to Best Buy.. no record players. Then, I tried Circuit City. They told me to buy it off of their web site. Then, I tried a store called "Hawthorns". They had 2 on display: One of them was broken, and the other they wouldn't sell me, because "It's on display". What good is displaying it when you have no stock?? Then, I went to the "Gramophone", but the cheapest turntable they had was $500. OY VAY!!! After that, I went to Radio Shack and purchased one. My friend and I got home and the damn band, or ... whatever it's called (belt?) wouldn't turn the table properly, so I returned that one at ANOTHER radio shack and bought another record player from ABC warehouse.

Now, I'm enjoying my father's "Cat Stevens Greatest Hits", and other great records. Who says records are outdated??

-- Jeff
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