Jackster Chronicles ...or.....

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Posted by panch from pool0388.cvx25-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net ( on Tuesday, June 18, 2002 at 11:20AM :

....how I kept my chastity and nearly lost my lunch.

If you stop to think about it just a little...how likely is it that something REALLY happened, I mean that I did anything to Jackie to deserve to have my livelihood crippled? Is it likely that I all of a sudden decided all on my own to stop the installation of the Shumirum...why would I do that? Why would I also be the one to stop it from going up in Chicago...in CHICAGO!!! Where any artist would give his eye teeth to be?

After 14 years of work????

Jackie and John and others are used to the lack of critical thought, or persistence in the search for truth, or much of anything, when dealing with our people. They don't stop to think what a jury will think, how they will scrutinize testimony and evidence as they are charged to do...as is their duty to do...as they get up and skip work and make arrangements to drive down to court for? When grown ups stop to think...examine and ponder and discuss among themselves...things will look very different.

And Shawn? Well, he'll say something like..."Jackie, I told you I couldn't guarantee anything."

Well I CAN guarantee.

Now that you all see how she operates...that she has her lawyer demand things they neither of them really want, or have a right to...after you see her suing a a college student of ours for two million bucks, after fawning all over him...after seeing her try to get a bbogus restraining order and notifying the local police that my mother harbors a dangerous man?

The truth of it all is gradually working its way around the community. The only thing left to seal it...to really drive it home would be a court hearing. Why would i want to settle anything? How else can I defend myself and prove beyond a doubt that I was telling the truth except by getting her and her husband and the members of her club up on that stand where people find it very hard to lie?

I though she would NEVER sue!!!

-- panch
-- signature .

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