Tyler Durden

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Posted by Stella from 12-248-16-41.client.attbi.com ( on Wednesday, June 19, 2002 at 11:54PM :

In Reply to: Re: user manual posted by Julia from boston16.erols.com ( on Wednesday, June 19, 2002 at 5:33PM :

: >>>hehe thanx for the advice. Unfortunately where I work there are few congressmen and women since I'm not on the hill. I'm working for this place called Center for Responsive Politics, which has a website www.opensecrets.com

: I really want to go to Iraq...i've said that a billion times :). I asked my mom about it and she says she wants to come too...it's all up in the air and we still have a lot of details to work out, but we're going for it.
: Jeff i'm glad you kept the pubic hair remover! er the bobby pin! :-)

: So yeah. stella hang in there. did you say you were taking three classes in the fall? that is not bad at all, at least you won't be hard hit with classes until december. WHen do you finish again? After fall quarter?

: take care guys. later!

****Yo! I'm taking 3 summer classes in the second summer session. Our summer school is divided into two sessions. I'm taking one class in the first one and three classes in the second session. then five classes in the fall..i'm still iffy about the 5 in the fall because i took 5 classes this past spring quarter and got my ass kicked throughout the whole quarter...too much man.
Anyhow, keep in touch and let me know how everything is going!

-- Stella
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