Hanna The Polite

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Posted by panch from pool0369.cvx24-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net ( on Saturday, June 22, 2002 at 9:45AM :

A response by him...

Some people when they open their mouth they make fools of themselves, and you are one of those people. I believe it is very obvious who is the fool here.

The fool is the one who makes a stupid comment about something that he has no idea of what it is about. You have not seen the art exhibit, and that tells it all!

Additionally, I believe that the title clearly states CALLIGRAPHY, I am sure that if you were an educated person you would have realized that CALLIGRAPHY is the ART of writing realted to a LANGUAGE, and in the above case the Syriac Language! Therefore the term Syriac was used correctly.

You are an illiterate person who has no clue about what is culture, art or language. Please save us your smat comments!

Hanna Hajjar

+++++Dear Moderator...I gues some people are more better than others. They do this kind of stuff in Turkey too.

-- panch
-- signature .

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